Chapter 8: Lady Lavender

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After such an eventful night, the next day was rather peaceful among the Bagge household. Madison doing her usual task of helping Muriel around the house; with the occasional assistants from Fred, giving her the opportunity to relax for a bit on each task while flirting with him while others were not looking. Courage helped out once in awhile but was mostly standing from afar, keeping an eye on the barber to make sure he doesn't have one of his 'moments' again with hair. Yeah, they may be dating, but that didn't stop the pup from making sure the freaky barber didn't try anything this time. But, for once, Courage relaxed for a bit realizing that it has been almost a full week and somehow Fred managed to not shave him nor anyone else within the house. How that was possible was anyone's guess. Well, maybe just Courage.

The day went on as normal until Muriel notified that she, Eustace and Courage will be away for a little while, leaving Madison and Fred alone. Courage, of course held onto Madison's leg not wanting to leave her with the weird blonde, Madison giggles. "Courage come on. I'll be fine. Besides, you'll be with Mrs. Bagge." The pup looks at her worriedly, but reluctantly agrees. Madison and Fred waved at the elderly couple as they drove away, once they were gone Fred yelped as he felt a hand slap his ass causing him to turn his head to look at Maddie, who was already walking away trying but failing to hide her laugh. "Really now, Madison?" He whines a blush spread across his face, she turns and chuckles at him. "Aww, you're so cute when you blush. Anyways, I still got some chores to finish up. You just stick around lookin' cute, kay, Freddy baby?" She kisses his cheek and winks at him, making Fred smile and roll his eyes in amusement.

As Maddie finished up on of her chores, she wipes her head in exhaustion as she pat her sides, looking for her phone. She groans in frustration as she realized she didn't have it. Still having to finish up in the kitchen, she calls out to Fred "Hey Freddy!?" Once he comes in, she grabs him by the hand and looks up at him in a pleading manner. "Can you do me a solid and look for my phone in my room, I still have to finish up in here." Fred chuckled at the innocent look on her face and agrees, kissing her on the head.

Once Fred enters her bedroom, he notice how it was decorated from the purple curtains to her black and purple comforter set. He chuckles to himself. "My, my. Madison truly adores this color, doesn't she?" As he searches around for her phone, he avoids being too nosy with some of her possessions; that was until he was near the closet and heard a faint noise coming from it. He shakes his head. "Now, Frederick. You shouldn't look though someone else's belongings, just ignore it."

He did think for a moment that maybe her phone was in there, but why the closet? Either way, he tries to focus on anything besides the closet, but his curiosity was becoming too intense as he occasionally glances from what he was doing towards the closet. He sighs, unable to find the phone he decided to just simply call it, as he flips out his. However, he bit his lip as he heard a faint buzzing noise coming from the closet. "Well, it was the only place I haven't looked." He sighs. "Just grab it and go back downstairs." He told himself as he moved closer to the closet door, as he slides it open, he took a quick glance at the direction of the noise and froze in place, eyes widen and jaw dropped as he looked at what he thought was the phone in embarrassment. "A-A vibrator?!" He stutters out as he looks at the contents in the closet more closely, his face became redder the more he looked.' Within the closet was a couple of bondage gear on the floor and a purple latex outfit that was hung up with the rest of her normal clothes. Fred took a step back, feeling his pants get tighter as he tugs at the collar of his dress shirt, stuttering out loud. "M-My dear Madison r-really is a d-do-."


The familiar voice caused Fred to freeze in place. Madison was right behind him, leaning against the door frame, smirking. "Freddy sugar, I thought that was obvious." She said taunting him as she slowly closes and locks the door. Fred gulps and chuckled nervously, still having his back facing her. "I-I. Well, y-yes, it was. I j-just thought..." He tries to stutter out an explanation but quickly went silent as her felt her arms wrap around his waist, pulling him closer and feeling her lips against his neck. "Thought what? Don't be shy." Taught Madison. The kissing made Fred sigh in contempt. "D-Darling, you're going t-to leave a mark, a-again." He moans out, causing her to giggle. "Aw, Freddy. I thought you like it when I kiss your neck." Fred groans at her response feeling his cock twitch with each kiss. "I-I do. B-but what if..." As he tries to talk, he felt her teeth graze against his neck. "Maybe, you like a bitter." She interrupts him by sinking her teeth in his neck, causing him to bite his lip groaning a little louder as he felt a chill go up his spine. "Oh, y-you tease. Why must you t-torture me, you l-little minx." He whines out. Enjoying how flustered he was, Madison giggles as she turns him around to face her. "Because, that's who I am. Besides..." She moves closer, pressing her breast against his chest as she whispers, seductively in his ear. "You're my little pet."

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