Chapter 9: The Festival

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Fred awakens and slowly lifts himself up as he grabs his head, still a bit dizzy from a few hours ago. He looks around and notice that Madison was nowhere in the room. Assuming that she was downstairs, he slowly got dressed; as he does, he hears the door slowly open. He quickly turns his head and was relieved to see Maddie shyly poking her head out; presumably to keep quiet thinking that he was still asleep. "Oh, hey sleepyhead! Someone's finally awake!" She says happily. He chuckles for a moment, then sadly sighs. Maddie tilts her head in concern as he walks up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and laying her head against his chest. She looks up at him. "What's wrong, Freddy baby?" He close his eyes for a second before looking back at her, he lifts his hands to caress her cheeks, moving a few stands out of her face as he sadly smiles.

"Today is my last day here, darling. Then, I have to go back." He whispers.

She gloomily looks up at him. She forgot that it was just his vacation and that he was not staying. "Don't tell me...You have to go back to the asylum?" He nods his head as she tries to hold back tears. "B-But, that's not fair! You haven't shaved anyone since you got here, why do you have to go back?" She says, her voice shaking as she clutches his shirt. He held onto her tightly and kissed her forehead, trying to calm her down. "Oh love, I wish it were that easy. But unfortunately, I am a bit too...naughty to be release too soon."

Still noticing her sad expression, he lifts her up, forcing her legs to wrap around his waist so she does not fall and kisses her sweetly. "Let us not think about it. For now, let us enjoy each other's company. And just for you, my sugar plum, I will be a...good boy, just so I can see you again." Maddie smiles softly and kiss his nose. "You promise?" He smirks as he kisses her neck and whispers. "I promise, my darling mistress."

After their talk, they went downstairs to greet the others. Later that day, Muriel tells everyone that there will be a festival held in Downtown Nowhere this evening and that they should all go for Fred's last day. However, the moment Muriel mentions that Fred was leaving soon, he alerts his Aunt to refrain from bring it up again by clearing his throat and secretly pointing to Maddie, who was washing the dishes; Muriel finally caught on and covered her mouth. As if she had eyes in the back of her head, Madison giggles quietly and shakes her head. "Mrs. Bagge, Freddy, I know that this is your last day. You don't have to keep quiet about it as if I'm a child." She explains, 'cheerfully'. Fred frowns, hearing the sadness though her voice, Maddie turns to look at him and smiles. "Besides, an end to your vacation should be memorable, so going to the festival is a great idea!" She says gleefully as she runs over and wraps her arms around his neck, kissing the top of his head.

As everyone was getting ready, Madison was in her bedroom with Fred, planning out how she could make this day memorable just for them. Fred raised a brow at her while he was fixing his tie; as if reading her mind, he walks up behind her and gently runs his hand up her thigh, causing her to giggle. "My naughty little vixen, whatever are you planning?" He whispers, seductively. Madison looks over her shoulder and run her finger under his chin. "Oh now, where's the fun in ruining the surprise, you just have to wait and see, my little pet?" They smirk at each other before sharing a passionate kiss.

Later, the group decided to take a cab instead of Eustace's truck so that everyone could fit. Once they got to Downtown Nowhere, Madison's eyes lit up in excitement. The festival was beautifully decorated with bright lights, accompany the decorations were equally as charming stands that were filled with prize games or food. Music was playing, making the scene ever more lively. Fred saw the excitement in her eyes and smiles, seeing her reaction adorable. The elderly couple, along with Courage split up from the younger couple so that they can enjoy the festivities.

Madison and Fred were enjoying themselves as they danced and played prize games while the elderly couple were mostly watching small little theater performances away from the duo. At times, Madison would glare at girls, or at anyone for that matter who would look at Fred for far too long then she would have liked. Fred notice her slight irritation and encourage her to focus on them having fun; that was until Fred caught a glimpse at some guys looking at her, clearly checking her out. This causes Fred to tighten his grip on her waist and pull her closer to him as he stares at the men, keeping his usual, unnerving grin as his eye twitch slightly. The unnerving stare lead to the men jumping out of fear and walked away, whistling as if they did not see anything.

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