Chapter 1: Regret (Edited).

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A/N: Chapter Summary- T.K.O and K.O talk.

Stupid, stupid, stupid... How could I have been so stupid?

K.O was scolding himself for his actions. What he did wasn't what a hero would do. Sure, T.K.O stepped out of the line, but K.O straight up obliterated it. So he decided he'd do everything in his power to make it up to his Turbo half. Like a hero, a friend, or maybe even a...



...Why not ask Rad and Enid for help? They were his best friends, after all. "K.O, we're here!"

His mother's voice broke him out of his thoughts. "Honey, are you alright? You haven't smiled once since you woke up."

"Huh? O-Oh, sorry, mommy, I've just been thinking is all." He reassured her.

"Well, you can tell me all about it once you finish work. Love ya, kiddo!" She drove off after K.O got out of the car.

With Rad and Enid...

"Rad, the hot chebos need restocking again!" Enid called. Sighing, Radicles lifted them onto the shelves. As they were going about their daily routines, K.O entered.

"Hey, brush head, how're you doing?" The ninja greeted.

"Guys, can we talk? I need some advice." He said, nervously twiddling his thumbs. After finishing his restocking, Rad came over as well.

"Of course, K.O. We're your friends. You can tell us anything." Enid's remark assured him that this would go fine. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully.

"Alrighty, there's no easy way to say this... I may have made a small mistake. Involving T.K.O." They both frowned.

"What did he do this time?" Radicles asked.

"Actually, I think the problem might be what I did." K.O sighed, appearing worried. "It all started when my mommy left me home alone. I had nothing to do and went to visit T.K.O. W-We decided to swap places for the day and he kinda wrecked my house and ate all the cookies."

Rad raised an eyebrow. "Uh, that kind of sounds like something T.K.O did."

"I-It's how I reacted that's the problem. After cleaning everything up, I went into my head and took T.K.O down to my subconscious. A-And locked him there. Four weeks ago."

There was silence for an entire minute.

"K.O. Buddy. Please tell me you let him out at some point." Radicles had adapted the most serious expression anyone would ever see him make.

"I did yesterday. He was crying. And right now he's probably staring at the wall and feeling horrible a-and it's all my fault!" Tears welled in the child's eyes as he began sniffling.

Eyes widening, K.O's coworkers looked at each other in panic. They both knew that K.O hated being treated like a little kid, but sometimes they just couldn't help it. Rad's species' minds made sure that paternal/brotherly instincts were automatic, and Enid's werewolf half made her see him as the pack's puppy, so once he started crying...

Bending down to K.O's level, Enid and Rad hugged him and tried to console him. Soon enough, his speech became somewhat audible.

"What do I do? How do I make it up to him?" He asked. Both his friends looked at him uncertainly.

"Well... you could talk to him when you get the time to." Enid suggested.

Wiping away his tears, K.O brightened up a little. "Y-Yeah, that might work."

After K.O gets home...

"Just a little more to the left, gotta make sure nobody can disturb me... Finished!" K.O observed his handiwork; he had set up the perfect spot to sleep where none could interrupt his visit to the mind-house. Laying down, he closed his eyes and drifted asleep.

With T.K.O...

The moment he heard a knock at the door, T.K.O sighed. There was only one other person able to enter their brain, unless Dendy ended up trying to master psychology and got another 'bright idea'.

"...Can I come in?" An oh too familiar voice called from the other side of the door. T.K.O would've told him that the door was unlocked, but for some reason he just couldn't find the energy, so he just made a noise.


As K.O sat down, he saw that T.K.O was encased in several blankets and his hair was unkempt. A severe lack of words lingered between the two until K.O decided to break it.

"...I'm sorry."

Silence. He's not doing anything, K.O thought, but why? So they just sat there and watched television.

It was some mindless cartoon called Tween Titans Go, and the colors were way too flashy with too much fart humor, so K.O changed the channel.

Then something called Fanboy and Num-Num came on. Cob, it was just as bad. Once more, the channel was changed.

"~Thank you for being a pal~"

Okay, the one it switched to was funny. A sitcom called The Golden Gals. Thus, they sat there and watched the show.

Two hours later...

"T-Time for me to go now, T.K.O. Do you need anything?" K.O said as he stood up.

The absence of sound from his Turbo half was making K.O desperate. Why isn't he saying anything? T.K.O's heroic half tried to ignore it, but it just kept nagging at him.

"Oh, Cob, I can't take this anymore! T.K.O, I know you're mad at me, but I can't pretend everything is okay! You're not talking to me! Hit me, yell at me, tell me you hate me and that you never want to see my stupid face ever again! Just do something, say something, anything! Please!"

More silence. K.O felt like giving up, but he didn't want to go. Tears started to stream down his cheeks.

"So am I."

Eyes widened, K.O looked at his alter ego questioningly. "Wh-What?"

"You said you were sorry. I am too. Destroyed the Plaza. Hurt your friends and our Mom. Ruined the house. Ate all the cookies. Kept hurting you. Sorry."

After a few seconds, K.O smiled. "You're forgiven."

Both of them knew it would take a while for T.K.O to say the same thing.

Then K.O left, and quiet overtook the mind-house once again. T.K.O felt even more tired than before. It was a miracle that he mustered the energy to say that much.

He felt so... numb. Empty. Dead.

And T.K.O wanted to do something to fill the void. Scream, cry, or maybe just frown. Or stop himself from closing his eyes.

But T.K.O was tired.

Too tired to even be sad.

Up next- Let Me Help You.

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