Chapter 10: Self Care.

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Summary- K.O learns that T.K.O's fear of small spaces is much worse than he thought.

WARNING: Panic Attacks and Claustrophobia.

They had been inside their mind for some time, about two days. Once, K.O went out to see if any of the Boxbots or Boxman would update him on the Shadowy Venomous situation.

Only to discover that Boxman left and took his robots, and for some reason, Fink had disappeared.

The young hero had spent an entire day (according to his calculations) trying to figure out a way to escape. Both he and T.K.O were starving. After one day with no food, they'd lost the ability to create anything in the mind, so food from the mindscape was a no go.

When they got hungry, Shadowy Venomous refused to feed them.

Soon enough, he finally figured it out.

Those metal bars holding them in were solid titanium. If K.O tried to break it, then he'd have a mangled hand. If T.K.O tried, then it'd have the same result. Neither of their abilities could get through titanium. But if they were combined...

"Teeks?" K.O called.


"I think I've got an idea of how to get out."

T.K.O raised an eyebrow. "How?"

"If we become P.K.O, then we can destroy the bars and bust that door down! I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner!"

He tensed. It would be dark and cramped...

No. No, K.O would be there. K.O wouldn't let him face it on his own.

"Alright, let's do this."

And they fused.


P.K.O opened his eyes to find darkness everywhere. He squinted and rubbed his eyes, trying to readjust his vision.

Sitting up, the fusion looked around at the dark room and felt around with his hands. Something- several somethings -that were cold and metallic surrounded him.

The cage, P.K.O realized. He had to break the cage. A power fist formed in his hand, blazing and zapping.

He sent a swift punch to the titanium, which resulted in the physical equivalent of realizing that your father is a useless, good for nothing joke of a man that only ever hurt you and your mother.

"OW! OW, OW, OW, OW, FUCK!" The K.O half of him covered his mouth at technically having said a swear word.

P.K.O's knuckles ached. Moving his other hand, the fusion felt the bars. His magic hadn't even left a dent.

"Guess that plan was a flop." He sighed.

Well, the least I can do is make the most of this. Maybe I can convince Shadowy Venomous to feed me.




...It was small, in the cage.


...Really, really small.


...It was cold, too. And dark. And quiet.


...P.K.O hated it.



OK K.O: I'm Sorry.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang