Chapter 2: Let Me Help You (Edited).

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Chapter Summary- T.K.O needs to remember to take care of himself. Also, warm hugs.

"Peanut, you never did tell me what was wrong."

Carol's sentence snapped K.O to attention. It was dinner, a day after his most recent visit to the Mind-House. "Oh, r-right. Sorry Mommy. I can tell you now if you'd like!"

His mother smiled. "Go ahead, Peanut."

2 Minutes Later...

Carol had dropped her fork in shock. Her son, her sweet little Angel baby boy, had locked his other self away in a void of eternal darkness.

"Mommy?" K.O stared at her, worried.

"Kaio Kincaid, how could you do that to him? What he did was wrong, that's for sure, but what you did was even worse!" She chided.

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I-I should've done something different. B-But now it's too late, and I've ruined everything. He'll never forgive me for this..." He whimpered.

Carol's facial features softened. "Don't be like that, K.O."

Then, she stood up, took him to the couch and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Things between you and T.K.O may be bad now, but trust me, they'll get better. Take a look at Eugene and I. We didn't talk for a while, but now we're dating!"

His mother smiled, and he grinned and hugged her. "Th-thank you, Mommy. I'll talk to him once I go to sleep."

After dinner...

As Carol watched K.O head up the stairs, she couldn't help but think. Should I have used me and Eugene as an example? That might've been a possible push towards...

She rolled her eyes. Psh, what am I thinking? My son is still undecided on what he likes... right?

In the Mind-House...

"T.K.O, can we talk?"

"Come in." Cob help him, that took a lot. The Alter Ego's eyes were closed, but he could hear a door opening and closing, footsteps, and the sound of someone sitting down next to him.

"How are you doing?" K.O asked, hoping to strike up a conversation.

"Nnnn..." He grumbled in response.

So I guess he's not in the mood for talking, K.O thought.

"...Do you want to train?"

For a moment, T.K.O's eyes popped open and he smirked, looking at him. "I'd like that."


Nervously, T.K.O walked to the Mind Backyard alongside his kinder half. It had been a while since he had walked (or even floated) around.

"Here, I'll change this place into an arena!" He offered, making sure to add several punching bags.

Eyeing K.O, T.K.O forced a smile. Why do I still feel tired...?

Not-so-tired but oh so unable to realize when someone was lying, K.O smiled back, albeit genuinely. "Okay, you go first!"

A few minutes later...

On the outside, things seemed to be going well during training. But on the inside, however, T.K.O felt like he was going to faint any second. The training wouldn't have been too difficult to most people, and if he were actually up to it, the turbo child would have been most people.

Just keep going, he thought, there's no need to make K.O worry.

Punch after punch, T.K.O felt even sleepier as he struggled to stand. A fake Darrel charged towards him. What he saw, however, was not Darrel. Instead, it was a tall, cloaked, smiling man. His creator, and his tormentor. With a single, shrill cry of war, T.K.O put all his energy into the hit.

K.O looked on in wonder. How did he put that much power into it when he barely managed a spark until now?

Suddenly, T.K.O looked very tired. "K-K..."

With a small groan, the turbo child fell to the ground.



When T.K.O opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was K.O looking over him. His kinder, worried half gasped in delight. "You're awake!"

Confused, T.K.O tried to sit up, but K.O quickly held him down. "Don't, you'll hurt yourself!"

"What happened?" It was just a question, so T.K.O was even more confused when K.O sent a glare in his direction.

"You fainted when we were training. I carried you in, and you were as light as a feather." He sighed.

"And I saw your stomach, T.K.O." All of a sudden, he yanked the turbo child's shirt up to reveal what had him so worried.

T.K.O's ribs were visible.

"How long has it been since you've eaten?" K.O asked.

"Not since you..." There was no need for him to finish.

Instantly, K.O imagined up an all you can eat buffet. He grabbed a fork and swirled up some spaghetti.

"Eat." He said firmly.


A few minutes after T.K.O finished, they continued to watch The Golden Gals. Pondering, T.K.O looked towards K.O.

Should I? The turbo child wondered. Or should I not?

This internal battle went on for about five more minutes. The breaking point for T.K.O was when a character said something that T.K.O couldn't even hear because he wasn't even paying attention he was just staring at K.O and that was all he could see and oh Cob-

"Hehe!" K.O giggled.


K.O. Freaking. Giggled.

Screw it, he thought. T.K.O grabbed his other half and tugged him onto his lap. In shock, K.O yelped. "T-T.K.O, what are you..." His only response was to nuzzle him.

Any time K.O tried to ask T.K.O about the embrace, T.K.O only held him closer. Sometimes he'd hug more on his own. That was fine with both of them.

I've been empty lately, T.K.O thought, maybe he can make me whole. Maybe I can make him whole, too. Maybe we just make each other whole.

And maybe what they were doing was the first step.

Next up- I'm here.

Please check out my profile and read my other stories!

OK K.O: I'm Sorry.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora