Chapter 12: Reunion.

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Summary- K.O sees his loved ones again.







Inside the Plaza, the clock chimed away, the only sound. Everyone felt melancholy. Some people were missing, and with SV out and about...

Carol sighed. Nobody knew if her child was alive. There was no word from the people brave enough to go out there. Not to mention her old teammates, T.K.O, Boxman, and Professor Venomous' old assistant were missing as well.

"Guys! There are two mysterious far away dots heading for the plaza!" Darrel jumped down from the lookout, saluting to her and Gar.

"WHAT?!" Gar shouted, rushing to the security cameras, some quickly following behind.

And what they saw was Fink dashing across the street, stopping in front of the plaza. She cackled, staring at the still unrecognizable dot.

"I win!" Then, what was apparently K.O caught up to her, glaring.

"There will be a rematch one day..." He swore.

After a few seconds of shock, Carol sprinted outside. "K.O!"

Said boy looked up so fast that it was a miracle he didn't get whiplash. "Mom!"

They ran to one another, and it looked like a scene in a movie. The only thing missing was the happy music.

"Peanut, where have you been?! I thought I'd lost you!" His mother exclaimed, joyous tears running down her cheeks.

Before he could respond, Enid, Rad and Dendy burst out. "K.O!"

Along with them were the Boxbots. "Fink!"

Suddenly, K.O was being smushed by his family, and Fink was being suffocated. That was fine for both of them.

Until they got bombarded with questions so loud that there was faint buzzing and incoming headaches.

"Cut it out, jeez!" Fink cried, struggling to escape her step-siblings' grasp.

After some apologies and time for K.O and his sister to catch their breath, everyone agreed to go back inside.

"Where have you been?" Dendy inquired.

"I've been around most of the places, looking for missing people. Momma's Boy here was trapped in Voxmore."

Carol looked down at her son in worry. "Voxmore? Did that Snake do anything to you?"

For a reason that she did not know, K.O tensed in her arms. "Sweetie?"

"Can we talk about it later?" He suggested, a trace of fearful melancholy in his voice. Her concern only increased.

"...If that's what you want, Peanut."

A pregnant silence ensued.

Shannon piped up. "Have you been eating, Fink?"

"I have." She eyed K.O. Not too many people noticed, or at least to his knowledge.

"Well, this means we'll have more help around here! Things should be easier with two people that can wield turbonic power!"

Everyone cheered at that. Less work would be nice.

K.O smiled. Maybe things would be alright.

A while later...

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