Chapter 11: Freedom.

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Summary- Fink proves to be a great ally.

It had been a day since T.K.O's panic attack. They'd been there for three in total. Shadowy Venomous was insistent on not feeding them. No food, nor water.

"Teeks," K.O said, his voice hoarse. "I'm so thirsty."

"So am I."

Their stomachs hurt, their throats hurt, everything hurt. Both hands clasped one another, the only shred of sanity left in their prison.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

Everything was blurry, slowly going dark. They were going to die, and with Shadowy Venomous out there, there was a good chance all of K.O's friends and family would join them shortly.


That voice sounded strangely familiar. A trick of the mind, K.O assumed.




"Wake up, Momma's Boy!" P.K.O opened his eyes to see the misty image of Fink shaking him, and a knife she'd somehow gotten and picked the lock with.

"Fink?" She grabbed something that he couldn't quite recognize under his dehydrated haze.

"It's a water bottle, now drink up and we'll get outta here!" The moment he heard the word 'water', P.K.O grabbed the bottle and chugged it down.

Sweet, flavorless moisture flooded his mouth and throat, a blissful thing which he had never expected to taste again. He refused to stop until the entire container was empty.

"You gonna survive a little longer?" A nod.

"Good, now quick, before he comes back!" Fink took him by the arm and lead him through a vent.

Twists and turns galore were in the shafts, dirty and disgusting. The fusion felt his breath hitch, and he knew where it was coming from. T.K.O?

It's small in here.

Right. You can go back to our house. And K.O was the only one in reality, crawling alongside grey walls.

"We're almost there." Fink said, next to him.

"Almost where?"

"You'll see when we get there, now come on. Just one more right, and..."

There was a latch, missing it's upper screws. Fink tore it off it's hinges, and then they were out.

The wind, the cool, fresh, wonderful, glorious wind hit his face, and he was free, free from the cage, free from the Snake's evil clutches. K.O opened his eyes to take in the beauty of nature...

Only to find a literal fucking apocalypse.

"Oh. Oh, my Cob. Sweet Corn. Shadowy Venomous did... This?"

"I know, it's awful, even by villain standards."

Most of the grass was dead, along with several woodland creature corpses, lots of trees had no leaves with rotting wood and good lord the sky was actually fucking red.

Not to mention that even Voxmore seemed to be in ruins. And if that was destroyed, then the plaza would be ripped off it's foundation.

"How many?" There was no way everyone had escaped.

"Huh?" Fink asked, and he knew he'd have no choice but to specify.

"How many people have died?" Silence.

"...Cosma. Vormulax. Billiam Milliam. Big Bull Demon. Crinkly Wrinkly. That old lady that used to steal candy, Ginger, I think. Mega Football Baby and Bell Beefer. Plenty from P.O.I.N.T Prep. Even some children at your school. So many, too many to count."

K.O shook his head. No, no, no- those people- he knew them- some of them were evil, but he knew them.

And then they'd been killed, killed by someone K.O thought he could trust.

"Professor Venomous had a choice. He could have his kids, or power. And he made his choice." His new friend spoke bitterly. Clearly she'd been just as hurt by what he did.

K.O's fists unclenched, because he knew that she was right. "Yeah. He did."

A quiet moment of understanding passed through the calm air, resonating between the two.

"I will never forgive him for this." The young hero vowed.

Fink smiled sadly. "I won't either, even though it hurts."

And deep down, it always would.


"Hey, Fink?" They'd been walking along the sidelines of a forest, or at least what was left of it.


"Why did you save me?"

"...Because I realized something recently, and it got me thinking."


"You're my brother, K.O. We're family. I couldn't just leave you to die. The only reason Boxman didn't take me with him was because I'd run off after SV tried to hurt me."

Oh. K.O wasn't expecting that. He formulated the words in his head, and began.

"And you're my sister. We... Never really talked about this."

"Hard to, when we're arch-enemies."

"Yeah. I know siblings can argue and all, but... I don't think they're supposed to hate each other."

"You're right."

Silence. "Fink?"


K.O held out a hand. "Permanent truce?"

She stood still, looking at the hand in surprise. And then looking at him, searching for any signs of joking or a trap.

Finally, she took the hand. "Permanent truce."

The young hero smiled at his sister. She smiled back.

"Do you think we should head over to the plaza?" Fink broke the silence.

"It's still standing?" K.O said in surprise.

"Yes, actually, ever since the Boxbots got there, the heroes managed to get a defense system. They fuse into one bot called Boxbot Prime. Those guys are heroes now." Fink said.

"So, my mom and friends are still alive?" His eyes gleamed with hope.

"Saw them from afar, like, two hours before I broke you out." Fink shrugged.

"Yay! Can we go see them now?"

"You don't have to ask to see your mother."

In the distance, Gar's Bodega and the others beside it were spread out, impressively still intact.

The siblings looked at each other. Fink grinned. "Race you there... Momma's Boy."

K.O smirked back. "It's on, Sewer Rat."

Up next- Reunion.

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OK K.O: I'm Sorry.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora