Under The Stars 💛💜 (Fluff)

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3:15 AM


Virgil laid there asleep in his violet coloured bed. He slept on his back with one arm above his head as his mouth opened and closed with every small breath. He looked so comfortable and calm... but Deceit just wanted to be romantic :3

"Hey... Virgil." The Darkside gently shook his friend. Virgil slowly opened one eye at a time, "Dee...?" He sat up and rubbed his eye, "What's up?" Virgil asked, turning his head towards him. He looked so tired that Deceit kinda felt bad. "I wanna show you something." "Mmm... can't it wait for tomorrow..." Virgil laid back down and rolled over to his left away from Deceit. "Tomorrow night maybe." Deceit shrugged. "Then there ya go." Virgil mumbled. But Deceit wasn't giving up too easily.


Virgil's eyes shot open. That name was his weakness and Dee was pouting at the same time,

"Oh my gosh," The emo rolled over and sat up, "What is it?-"


Deceit grabbed his hand and gently pulled him out the door and down the hallway, careful not to wake the other sides. Grabbing the front door knob, he pushed it open. Wind brushed up against Deceit's face, but he didn't even care. He climbed up the side of Thomas's house with no problem. Virgil how ever was a bit cold, "It's too cold, I'm out." "Nonsense my dear." Deceit looked over the roof at Virgil who was about to walk back inside, "Just.. enjoy this moment with me."


Virgil sighed and shook his head, but surprisingly he started to climb the side of Thomas's house as well. Once he was close enough to the top, Deceit gave him a hand and helped him up. "Alright, what is it you wanted me to see?" The emo said as he dusted himself off, standing on top of the roof. "Come." Deceit went up a bit more and sat down. Confused as ever Virgil just went along with it and sat down next to him on his left.

"Deceit, what are we really doing up here-" The darkside's eyes were up towards the sky, so Virgil looked up as well.

Beautiful shining stars covered the darkness of the night sky practically lighting it up. "Oh my..." "Aren't they something?" Deceit asked as he continued to watch them. "Ya.... they're... beautiful..." Virgil was completely hypnotized by them. Deceit looked away from the stars to something more important. "Ya... beautiful."

That word made Virgil slowly turn his head to Deceit who was blushing as he looked at Virge. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment before gentlely going in for a kiss. They're lips connected and both of them could've sworn they saw starts as they closed their eyes.

Soon after, they released their kiss and Virgil moved closer to Deceit. Both of them were still blushing of course but it wasn't a problem. Virgil got as close as he could to his lover and rested his head on his shoulder. A small tear slid down the right side of Deceit's face. Thankfully Virgil was looking up at the stars again, so he didn't notice. Deceit, now happy as he ever could be, grabbed the left side of his cape with his arm and put it around Virgil, keeping him warm.

They couldn't of asked for anything better..

It was simply a beautiful night under the stars.

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