Just Five Minutes~ (Smut)

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A storm shook the trees as rain fell down onto the windows, creating a relaxing sound for Deceit.

(Yes, it's raining outside for me rn. And I know I should be sleeping at 2 am. Shut up.)

Deceit watched the rain run down his window as one of his snakes wrapped around his bowler hat, fast asleep. Fuck. The raindrop he had been watching lost the race.. Letting out a large sigh, Deceit took his hat from the top of his head and gently placed it down in front of him on his windowsill. He watched snake sleep peacefully. All wrapped up around his hat letting out small breaths. Earlier today, Patton thought Deceit's snakes were going to eat him and didn't move for about fifteen minutes because "apparently" all they were doing was staring at him. And to make matters worse, Remus watched from a distance telling Patton that he was, "Soooo gonna get eaten alive." Or something along those lines. So Roman had to call Deceit downstairs to call them off when in reality, they were only sleeping. Patton isn't exactly the smartest.. so both Logan and Deceit had to explain to Patton that snakes don't have eyelids, so they didn't mean any harm. (I'm coming at you with random snake facts. Education is important y'know. Take It.)

Moron. Deceit said in his mind. Moving his hand ever so slightly underneath his snake, he gently pulled him/her off and gently placed him/her back into it's enclosure with his other snake that had also been asleep. Closing the lid, Deceit smiled to himself. He loved his snakes as if they were his own children. (Which is funny because Deceit is basically part snake-)

After watching them, he too started to get a bit tired. And the sound of the rain only made it worse. Soooo, like anyone else, he decided to take a "five minute" nap. (As we all say before waking up two hours later.) Deceit threw his hat across the room and purposely fell onto his bed. He reached out one arm to shut off his dim light and now the room had a dark grey colour. Just as his eyes were about to shut a knock came from his door.

"Fuck off Remusss."

......Two more knocks came off his door.

Now irritated, Deceit shut his eyes full of frustration, "Remuss... I Said, Fuck O-"

The door opened, causing Deceit to open up his eyes before finishing his sentence. But to his "surprise", in stepped Virgil. (oH gEE. I woNdeR whAt's GoNnA haPPen GuYs!)

(...I'm sorry-)

"Oh-" "Bold of you to assume I'm Remus, snake man." Virgil chuckled as he peaked around the door and stepped in. "Look Virge, I'm really not in the mood for another 'Sanders Asides' video right now-" The snake-like side turned away from Virgil and shut his eyes, wanting to sleep. "Oh I know," Virgil quietly shut the door behind him. "Nor am I to be honest." He sat down on Deceit's bed and leaned on Deceit. "....Do you crave attention from me?"

"Only slightly." Odd. He didn't bother denying it. "Virgil, I meant what I said," Deceit sat up and leaned back against his wall with his hair falling over his forehead, "I'm not in the mood. I just want to relax and sleep."

"Well.. I don't know about sleeping, because frankly I never do it- But I can help you relax~" Virgil leaned in close to Deceit at the end of his sentence. (Virgil's got no business walking in here acting all horny, smh-) Deceit was silent. Look at it this way; He could sleep and let all his worries go away for about five minutes- aka two hours. Oooor, he could have a bit of pleasure and thennn maybe go to sleep. I mean- it's a win win situation. "...Why all of the sudden though?" "I don't know... I guess I just feel for it, y'know? And you've been putting up with these Sanders Asides videos, you might as well get an award for that.." "Okay but why do you care?" Virgil rolled his eyes and began kissing Deceit's neck causing him to jump.

"Please Dee~?" Deceit sighed, "Fine.. Just Five Minutes." Deceit rested his head back onto the wall and let Virgil have his way with him, kissing his neck as Deceit let out soft breaths of air. Virgil stopped and looked Deceit in the eye. His hands zipped down Deceit's jeans, (Yes, Deceit is wearing jeans in this one. Fook off.) "Virgil.. you don't have to-" "No, but I want to~" That was... surprising. Virgil didn't usually want to do anything. But ok. Lowering himself down, Virgil pulled out Deceit's erect length. Deceit looked down at Virgil, "Just relax Dee~" But in a matter of milliseconds, Deceit shut his eyes and rest his head against the wall once more as the sudden warmth of Virgil's mouth made him feel relaxed but erotic. Virgil moved his head up and down slowly, "Virgil...~" Liking the quiet moans from Deceit, Virgil continued at this rate, "I-I'm not sure why you're doing this-~ But I'll r-return the fav-or for you sometime later today~" Virgil stopped for a moment and lifted his eyes upon Deceit's face, "No need to Dee~ I just want you to relax~" He said before taking Deceit's large length back into his mouth. Deceit flinched at this and shut his eyes yet again.

The anxious side began to move quicker and occasionally lick Dee's length as he did so, "For fuck sakes Virgil...~" Deceit moaned quietly. "I don't care what you say~ I'll treat you well after this!~" His voice started to raise a bit. He was getting close. Virgil being the observant side that he is, noticed this and moved quicker. "Virgil~ Oh fuck...~" Dee bit his right hand's index finger, holding back his moans. "God~" Within seconds, Deceit came into Virgil's mouth, "Fuck Virge~! ahh~" And being the "nice" boyfriend that he is, Virgil swallowed it and sat straight up. (Lol straight. Something that Virgil clearly isn't.)

"I suppose I should thank you..." Deceit pushed his head up off the wall. "Like I said before, there's no need to." Virgil stood up off the bed and headed for the door, leaving Deceit silent. "Now you can sleep." The bastard smirked and left, closing the door behind him.

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