Boy time

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Colby's POV

Taylor was right, it's been a little while since Sam and I hung out and I think we really needed this.

As I sat in my car waiting for Sam to come out I realized there's a lot we had to talk about, I know we talked about moving to LA vaguely and that it wasn't gonna happen for a little bit but I think he started feeling differently. What Taylor and I have going right now is really good, it's been awhile since i've been this happy. Now that both Taylor and my Mom are better I feel more comfortable, and if he wants to fast track the move i'm scared i'll lose them both.

As Sam came outside he looked really happy, I know he wasn't all that used to sharing me. I mean I am amazing after all i'm Colby Brock, that sounded was less cringe than it did just now. I know Taylor and Emily are probably having a girls day at Emily's so called fantastic house so that means guy time. We've explored basically everywhere in Kansas but i'm thinking we should grab some snacks and head to the barn and we can talk about the future of Sam and Colby.

*Sam opens car door

"What's up brother!"

"Nothing much Sammy boy."

"So what are we thinking for the day?"

"I was thinking about grabbing some snacks and heading to the barn."

"Sounds good to me."

*Turns key and drives away

I feel like car rides with guys are so awkward, I never know what to talk about and the car just gets dead silent.

Sam turns away from the window and looks at me funny, obviously he can see i'm overthinking about stupid stuff.

"Something bothering you Colb?"

"Just thinking."

"What ya thinking about."

"Taylor, and how this car ride is so quiet."

"Well I can fix one of those things, I'll turn on some music."

He turns on the radio and 10/10 by Rex Orange County starts playing.

"This song isn't too bad, I like it."


The barn was one of our favourite spots to hangout and kinda like an escape from everything. I know we have to talk about LA but I don't wanna have to think about leaving Taylor.

Sam turns to me knowing that somethings up.

"Colby, you know we haven't talked about LA all too much. You think maybe it's time to start looking at a place?"

"Yea uh I guess, I just don't really know where to start."

"Maybe an apartment?"

"Yea um, sure sam whatever you want."

"Everything okay?"

"Yea I just don't wanna leave Taylor you know? We just started dating, and what if the cancer comes back? I know we've been planning this for awhile, but it's all too much right now."

"I get it, but have you talked to her about it?"

"Not really, no."

"She doesn't seem like the kind of girl to hold you back. I think she'd be happy for you."

"I guess yea."

"Didn't you say she had plans to travel? What if she is feeling the same and doesn't want to tell you either?"

"I actually didn't think about that, she had plans to go to Morocco, what if she decides to go?"

"I think that's a conversation you too need to have."

"Thanks Sam, I really needed this."

"What are best friends for? I brought my laptop let's watch our guilty pleasure."



Sam turned on Tvd and we started to watch wanting to see if Elena could drink from a blood bag or not. I know many guys wouldn't own up to watching this show, but what can I say it's good.


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