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5 years later..

"Hi may I take your order, sir?" The barista asked me when I reached the counter.

"Yes. One Venti Americano please" I asked and gave him money. He gave me the receipt and my change, then he asked me to wait on the side of the counter to get my coffee.

5 years has passed. And I think I'm doing fine. I moved out of California 4 years ago and moved in Manhattan, New York. The city that never sleeps. The big apple.

New York is great. I can't say greater than the beaches of California. But I know it's the place I'm suppose to be in.

"Here's your order sir, one venti Americano"

"Yes thank you.." I paused. Is it really her?

"Hey I know you. You're the dude that always hang out on the cafe by the beach in California. The mute one" I didn't answer. I just stared at that smile.

That smile that still hunts me in my sleep.

"Darlin, are you alright?" She asked. I nodded and took my coffee. She's here. After all these years. She's here..

I have to get out of this place. I feel like my heart will explode because of how fast it's beating.

Like what I did 5 years ago I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. She's here. In New York.

In the whole world why does she also have to be here?

I'm acting like I don't want to see her but I couldn't help but smile. I saw her again.

The girl with the most ravishing smile.

I sat up and went to my desk and opened my laptop. I've been trying to move on for 5 years now. Seeing her doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to move on.

I need to focus all my attention to my work and self. She's happy with her husband. I can't take her happiness away just because of selfish reasons.

Hours has passed so I decided to take a little break before I continue my work.

I opened my facebook account. I scrolled through it. It makes me feel a little sad because I'm 27 years old and I only had 1 girlfriend. And most of the people I know is either married,engaged or expecting.

I guess I'll grow old alone. How can I find the woman I will spent the rest of my life with when I'm already madly in love with someone else?

Who by the way is already married!


I looked at the screen of my laptop. I had a friend request and a message. Who could that be?

When I looked who it was I stopped. I couldn't move. It's her..

I looked at her message.

From : Elaina Summers
Hey, darlin'. I'm the barista from a while ago. You left your wallet and phone. You could pick it up tomorrow.

I kept reading and reading. But it's never changing. This message is from her.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

To: Elaina Summers
Thank you for telling me. I will come tomorrow morning.

I looked at the message. Is it okay? Or is it rude? Or maybe it is too nice? Too boring?

I kept changing it but by the end I decided to go with the original. 

I waited for a reply but nothing came. I guess that's it.

I looked at her facebook page. She looks so beautiful in her profile picture. It really captures her beauty.

I couldn't help but smile. Her bio is :
"You can count on me like 1, 2, 3"

Cute. I spent the rest of the night looking at her profile then I decided to sleep.

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