Christmas in March

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Well hello again🙂.

I was still upset about losing my book. It was almost noon and I was hungry. I asked Tony if we could stop and get something to eat. We stopped and pulled out our camp chairs and some food for lunch. He asked me if I was still upset about the argument that morning. I smiled and said no, now that we are eating it's easy to relax. Any ways we finished eating and packed up the chairs and garbage.

We hit the road again. We had been going for about four hours when two guys in a pick up stop and ask us where we are headed to. We told them that we were going to Arizona. They looked at us like we were crazy 😂. The driver said that his home was 6 miles away from where we stopped. Just straight up the road from where we were. If we wanted a break we could stop and camp on his property for a few days so we could rest up and shower 😊. We took him up on his offer.

The older guy lived a mile from him and he wanted to show us his hometown 😂. He found out that I wanted a dog and took us to a lady who wanted to get rid of hers. I fell in love with the dog the second I saw him. He took to me instantly. Oh The name of the place is( drum roll please) 🥁🥁 Christmas Valley.

He wanted us to stay in Christmas Valley, Oregon. He even showed us his second house on hopes we would stay and rent it. He was a very nice guy and so was his friend. We declined the invite though. When we got back to his friend's property we introduced Baby Boy to our tent and the other guy. He instantly thought that Baby Boy was a cute little guy. We walked around the guy's property as he was giving us a tour. Oh let me introduce him and Santa ( the older guy). Will is the guy who's property we camped on and Chris was Santa lol.

Let's get back to the tour. He showed us his Flint rock collection that he made into arrowheads. Also he made them into works of art too. He then showed us his hunting equipment and his fur works.😂 I think even though they were friends they both were lonely 😢. Loved new people and loved showing new people around. It started to get dark and we took showers and Will made us dinner and we all say and talked about his hunting lol. He made us venison steaks, potatoes, and peas. Like I said he was really lonely 😔.

Anyways three days later we hit the road again. My husband, our Baby Boy, and I. Yay I got my sweet little boy. Merry Christmas to me lol. Okay I know it's April not December lol. Any ways we started out again and we're heading east before we turned south to go towards California. We had gone maybe ten miles when we saw our first rattle snake laid out across the road. Okay ok it was dead lol 😂. We got about 59 miles away when we got tired and hungry. We made camp and cooked some food for dinner and fed Baby Boy. He was such a sweetheart ❤️. We went to sleep and awoke around 8 so glad we slept in. We packed up everything and put Baby Boy in my trailer and headed down the road. We hit a very little town shortly after one, hungry 😊.

I took Baby boy out of the bike trailer and we headed over to the little store. Talk about small town not even a grocery store in it. We bought something for lunch and I got my favorite pop Pepsi. As we left the store Baby Boy got loose and we ran after him. He went to a little Creek and I kept calling him to me. He finally came to me and gave me loves in apologies. He was going to be my best bud. He never ran from me again. Anyways just as we finished lunch it started pouring up went the tent and in we went.It seems like that's all Oregon ever did is rain.

Once the lightning and thunder started Baby Boy his under the covers right next to me.😂 Oh my he was a scaredy cat he was afraid of storms that's for sure. We sat laughing so hard at poor Baby Boy 😂🤣. He actually cried Everytime the thunder rolled. I felt so bad for laughing so hard. I kept stroking his back trying to soothe him. He finally got out of the covers and climbed into my lap. Licking my chin and cuddling against me. He wrapped me around his little paw that's for sure. I am content with my two guys. I'm feeling so lucky to have my wonderful husband. Guess I lucked out falling in love with him all those years ago. Married life has it's ups and downs that's for sure. We ended up staying there for a few days because of the weather 😣. Can't wait to get out of Oregon at this point. Once the rain let up we were back on the road heading to Arizona.😄 Awe biked so many miles every day for almost a week. Then we hit the last town in Oregon before California. Yay 👏👏👏 it's about time. Anyways we stopped and ate lunch and bought more water for our trip.b. Bought more dog food and treats for Baby Boy. He loved pupperoni and chicken strips. He was really sweet and would run beside me on the bike. When he got tired he rode in the trailer. After we ate we repacked the trailers and Baby Boy jumped in mine and curled up. We headed back bro the highway. Two miles from the border of California. 😍 We were so happy 😄. Well we finally got out of Oregon! Or did we?

What happened we crossed into California! 😒☹️😭😭

Are you ready for what happened? 🤪

Well here goes suspenseful isn't it? Well without further ado. We crossed over the state line and we're laughing so hard. We smiled at each other and I bumped into my husband's trailer and wam my bike started wobbling and I was going over no stopping it. I knew it was going to hurt. Now if only I knew how much. Bam I hit the black top and skidded a few inches on my left side. Agony ripping threw me and I had tears streaming from my eyes. My husband called nine one one and rescue came and checked me out. I was going to the hospital? Omg what about my little dog 😭. Won't keep you in suspense this time too much. LOL any ways as they were getting me strapped to the gurney they were letting me know that my husband and our sweet Baby Boy was riding in front with the driver. I was worried about the bikes and stuff on the side of the road. Nobody would be here to keep an eye out for it and I was scared we would come back and it would all be gone.😭😭😭😭😭

A/N: Sorry left you on a cliff hanger. I will update tomorrow again.😜

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