mountain view.

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Ah smell that fresh air no city smells just open country. We explored the museum and enjoyed it a lot. Wish I thought to take pictures of the place. Anyway back to the State trooper and we talked to him and his Captain they had taken up a collection and we were in tears. 😢 Not something that usually happens that's for sure. I looked at them and asked why they were doing this. Are you ready for the answer? It shocked me to the core. It was because of how we were treated by the sheriff. Wow I was floored my poor husband kept trying to give them back the money. It was almost 500 dollars. They told my husband to use it to replace tires or what not. Anyways afternoon hit and we had lunch with Peter Maverick.( That's the State trooper's name.) Then we hit the road again and went another 35 miles and didn't stop til after dark this time. We stopped and my husband set up my chair and made me sit down. Then the sneaky turkey 😂 set up the tent as me and Baby Boy cuddled and fell asleep in the chair. My sweet and annoying 😂 husband woke me up to go to bed lol. God I love my man. We awoke with the sound of a siren right outside our tent. Scared the crap out of me. But are you really ready for our next run in with a sheriff? Well here goes unzip the flap to get up and see what now we did wrong. Only this time the guy that is standing there has three gallons of water and a bag of food plus some treats for Baby Boy. Now it seems that they are bringing gifts.🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 We thank him profusely and l hug him because we forgot to get water for our trip. He smiles and said that the word is out about us and our bicycle Trip from Oregon to Arizona. OMG 😂 why just why? That's all I want to know is why.

     Well soon we are on the road again and we're going through some crazy areas that wind one way just to go another. What a crazy up and down place. Then as we were going down a kind of steeper hill we noticed that the break for my back break isn't working. I was scared hills and no breaks. 😱 Oh not good! A guy in a grey Honda Civic stopped us and asked where we were going and if we were the couple headed to Arizona. Shocked and confused we said yes we were. He started laughing and said that his brother is a police officer and had told him about us. We gladly accepted the invite and after he gave us directions to his house he drove off.  We followed his directions and found his home way up on a mountain. I looked at my husband and said I hope I can get back down safely. He said it's ok he'd be with me.😍 Anyways we got to the guy's house and he came running up happy to see us. When his wife came out to meet us I asked her if she was okay with us staying with them and she smiled and said she was. They showed us the sleeping porch or offered us the guest bedroom and we took the porch because of Baby Boy. We are steak and corn on the cob with mashed potatoes for dinner. Took showers and got ready for bed. We went out to the sleeping porch it was beautiful and cozy. We talked till midnight and fell asleep holding each other. The next morning we awoke to birds chirping and having Baby Boy begging to go outside to do his duty. My husband is awesome because he helped the owner of the house with some yard work to repay them for their hospitality. Jim and Susan are their names. Susan made a big breakfast. We are eggs, hash browns, sausage links, bacon, and toast. We were stuffed. Now it was almost 9 and we decided to hit the road. We had gone about a quarter of a mile when we hit the down grade. Okay let's be honest I was nervous. Anyways we made it down but with a big problem at the end I had picked up too much speed. The last part of the steep down grade was a dead end with a road that you had to turn onto. I almost made it ALMOST! Okay here is what happened. I started to turn a little early on purpose and then I realized that it was just a little bit too late. There in front of me was a barbed wire fence and a tree yes you read that right. I said there is no way in hell 😂 I was hitting the barbed wire fence so I aimed for the tree. Yes I was going into a tree. My bike started slowing down thanks to the under growth by the tree and I hit hard but not to hard. I hit my forehead and scratches every where from the branches. Oh no poor poor Baby Boy! He had flown out of the trailer and some how his leash and harness had wrapped around a branch. As soon as he saw me he started whining and I thought he was hurt. I was bawling my eyes out. He was unhooked from his leash and he started licking my face just giving me loves for not hurting him and rescuing him. I was so happy, yes he came away unscathed while I was bleeding again. Thank heavens it was only scratches this time. We got my bike back on the road and again my bike was unscathed. It's only problem was no brakes at all. Great no brakes! I was mad as a wet hen especially when two women went by laughing at me and the blood dripping from the biggest scratch on my forehead and I had a goose egg. The witches were in nurse's uniforms. I hope they got fired for their mean attitudes. There is nothing funny about hitting a tree. Damn them! I was angry and getting a headache. My husband kept checking on me and hugging me. I was just so ready for this bad luck to end.

 I was just so ready for this bad luck to end

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     I think Baby Boy was too. We got to a small hole in the wall town it boasted a post office and a trailer park that's all oh I forgot about the convenience store against the post office. Well the owner of the trailer park told us to put up our tent in an empty lot. We did and walked over to the convenience store to get Tylenol for my headache and some more Band-Aids for our first aid kit. It was getting a little empty thanks to me. I lost my brush it must have flown out with Baby Boy.  Okay deep breath the bad luck's over, I kept repeating to myself. My poor husband probably was thinking okay what's next?!! Well I promised you wild and crazy didn't I.😜🤪 Yes I did. Okay let's get back to the crazy idea of a trip. We camped out that night and awoke to a very overcast sky. Close the flaps it's going to rain. Uh did I say rain? No no no not rain I meant hold on to something for dear life it's going to rain and I don't me for a few minutes or even a few hours rain. It's more like a torrential downpour from hell. It lasted for 3 freaking days. I almost kissed the ground when it stopped raining. I think Baby Boy was happier than pigs in a mud hole.  We were packing up our stuff when this drunk lady came cuddling up to my poor Tony. He tried to get her to leave him alone and I was trying not to 😂 laugh or kill her. I mean you could smell the stale booze a mile away from her. I walked up to her and I said honey he's no good in bed, you see that guy over there with the motorcycle I bet he could scratch that itch for you. Poor guy she was all over him like white on rice. My husband was like what do you mean I'm no good in bed.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I looked him straight in the eyes and said. But honey she's gone isn't she.😂🤣😂🤣😂 He about died laughing so hard trying to finish packing up.

      We hit the road so fast we should have been in a race. We finally made it 45 miles away from her and I declare that I was happier than pigs in a blanket. We set up the tent and ate dinner. It was getting late so we crawled into bed and not even fifteen minutes later Baby Boy was growling and husband looked outside the tent and what does he see but a pack of coyotes laying around our tent. I cuddled our sweet chicken and told him he was safe. We fell asleep and awoke just before dawn to someone yelling that they can't get the bikes because these crazy ass people had pet coyotes that attack as soon as someone gets within a few feet of the bikes. 😂😉😉😉😂😂😂😂😂 Oh my word I was just laughing so hard trying to not pee The sun was going up the coyotes yipped twice, nudged the tent, and left. We got up to see blood on the ground a foot away from the bikes. I think I love coyotes my husband said. OMG 😂 now that's funny!

A/N Well I really hope your enjoying my story! I'm sure hoping you are because I am reliving all of it. If you're enjoying it leave a comment, vote or do both. Bye ya'all!

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