Is this real?

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  We awoke to stiflingly heat inside of the tent it was 9 am. We hurriedly packed up everything and headed into town a casino is the biggest building in here. And it's just a two story building. We found a motel and went in to get a room for the night it was 25 per night if we paid for two nights in a row or 58 for a single night. We chose to take two nights in a row. Cheaper which to us was Cuckoo! They had a pool there, YAY. We searched for a store and got some food and dogfood. We got Pepsi lol gotta get my one and only vice. We headed back to the room and decided to go swimming. Uh oh I almost forgot we also picked up a pregnancy test. Anyways we came in and ate dinner and got ready for bed. When I awoke to pee I made myself do the test and I just sat and stared at it. I took the second one out of the package and used that one too. I woke up my husband and told him to look at the tests. He looked at me and said yes yes yes. I said no no no we are riding bikes across states moving. He goes so the baby will be born after we get settled what's the big deal 😉. Gotta love that man. He then asked if I was feeling okay and I said yes. He was so happy when he found out. We swam in the pool til noon. Then we took Baby Boy out for a walk and met some interesting people. They lived there and traveled to Alaska every four years to look for gold! Crazy or what? We got ready for bed because we wanted to get an early start tomorrow. We awoke before Dawn and packed everything up cleaned up our mess and checked out. We then rode til noon as it was way too hot to keep going. Set up the chairs and shade. We couldn't ride till the sun went over to the west side of the mountains. We started out and went 29 miles more before we were exhausted. The heat is hard on us. We were used to the rain not a hundred and eight degrees.

      We were up with the dawn and we hit the road. We only made about 25 miles a day at this point. We saw a huge sign up ahead it said Hawthorne. We pulled into town and saw a park that said no dogs. We ate lunch at the Safeway and then we explored the town. We went to the sheriff department to find out where we could camp for a few days. We wanted to explore the town more. They told us to camp in the park that said no dogs allowed. I told them that we can't we have a dog. The head of the department said yes we can we have permission to camp with our dog there. So we went to the park and set up camp. All we had to do is pick up after Baby Boy and we already did that. So no big deal for us. We were there for maybe an hour when someone called the sheriff and complained we had a dog in the park! A sheriff came out with food and dogfood and water for us. When the person who called asked why we weren't being thrown out of the park, he turned to them and said that the mayor himself gave us permission, not only did it shock them it floored me. I said, I thought that the sheriff gave us permission to camp here? He looked at me and said oh that's the mayor. Wow was I in for a shock. We ate dinner and decided to take Baby Boy for a walk to go potty. We had walked for at least an hour and got back to the park and the sheriff/mayor was waiting for us. Anyways we started talking to him about the trip and moving to AZ. He turned to my husband Anthony and said I have a proposal for you to think about. My husband says okay sure I can hear you out. The sheriff/mayor asks him how he would like to stay and work with the sheriff's department and he would throw in a house that he owns in the middle of town. I was flabbergasted to say the least. He said don't give me an answer yet stay for a few days and come see how things are going to be. My husband was speechless too. We nodded in agreement that we would stay for a few days and then decide. My husband and I talked til midnight and finally fell asleep. We decided to check out the house and see what it looks like inside. It was a little rough but it had 5 bedrooms and bathrooms. It was huge. The kitchen alone was huge. It had a breakfast nook. There was a formal dining room and a big pantry. The second floor had 3 bedrooms and two on the 3rd floor.the Master bedroom was a suite not just a room. In the finished basement there was a built-in pool table and a wine room. The back yard was huge too and had a pool. Oh my goodness I didn't know what to do with it. I mean yeah it was a pretty good deal for us, but we needed to get to AZ. Anyways my husband went to the sheriff's department and they took him on a few calls with them and I was at the park with Baby Boy. A sheriff deputy and his wife came to the park and sat with me until Tony came back. She was telling me that she was excited to meet me and that it would be awesome if my husband joined the sheriff's department. I said that we hadn't decided to stay yet.

      When Tony got back his face was a glow and he looked excited. I was torn and so was he. It's really crazy and sounded too good to be true. As we were getting dinner started vthe sheriff/mayor came by and said he had another incentive to get my husband to stay. My husband asked what that was and the sheriff/mayor said that they the town would pay for his training in Reno. Also the sheriffs' wives would help get the house cleaned up and ready for us. And I could pick whatever I needed. It was a really good incentive let me tell you. We sadly refused the offers because my mother wasn't doing good and needed me 😤. He said he's sorry that we wouldn't be joining the population and wished us well on our trip. I cried myself to sleep that night while my loving husband held me and said that it's okay and he would rather not stay were it snows in the winter. I know he regrets it because I do. We packed up and got ready to leave when a bunch of the sheriff and their wives came to see us off. They brought goodies and treats for Baby Boy and us. We were amazed by how caring they were. I wish that we could go back in time to accept the offer instead. I think we would have been much happier. So we hit the road and had gone maybe 30 miles when poor Tony got another flat. We had already used all the spare tubes and fix a flat we had. We had bought 6 spares for his and my bikes. His was 26 inch mine was 24 inch. So we were walking along instead of riding them when a blue pick up pulled up to us. The driver asked if there was a problem and if we needed a ride into the next town which was still 20 plus miles away from there. We let him know that we have a dog and a flat tire.he helped my husband put the bikes in the back and let us sit up front with him. He took us to the next town over. Which was Lining. We got into town and found that it boasted a traditional trading Post that's it. Well the owner of the trading Post was a really nice guy and told my husband that he would run over to the next big town and pick him up an inner tube. Told us to camp out beside his store till he got back. We were there for 3 days and fixed the flat and then we packed up and got ready to leave again.

A/N well it's starting to get a little easier to write about the trip hopefully you are enjoying this book. Sometimes I feel things happen for a reason.

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