camping, dehydration, and crazy sights.

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    Here we go again I was hot, thirsty, and sick of the barren highway ahead of us. It was a long stretch of nothing but desert on both sides of the highway. I had to pee for an hour or so and I was getting desperate. Finally we saw some Joshua trees ahead. Yay cover to finally pee lol. Well once my bladder dealt better we started out again and got another 30 miles it was getting dark and we started running low on water. I made sure Baby Boy got some and my husband was making sure I drank some. We set up camp and got ready for bed. I couldn't eat my stomach was really upset. We awoke to heat so intense it felt like we were being slow roasted. Did I mention that it was hot? Because it was hot. Anyways we packed up and drank some water and I made sure that I gave some to Baby Boy. Then we started out again. Well we were doing really good until the sun was beating down on us. We were out of our water and I was scared. We finally couldn't go any further. We set up the chairs and my husband opened up a can of peaches he made me eat them all. We gave the juice to Baby Boy. All of a sudden a bunch of cars were going by and 4 stopped with a pick up thrown in. They asked if we were all right or if we needed help. We let them know that we're out of water. Also that we were expecting a baby. They made us get into a vehicle and then they loaded our bikes and trailers up. Then we started for the next town. Which was Tenopah. They gave us bottles of water and Subway sandwiches. It was crazy the good people we were meeting. Well we pulled into Tenopah and they took us to the grocery store and got us lots of water and some other things that we needed then insisted on paying for it. If any of you wonderful people ever read this Thank you for everything!. Then we were taken to a motel and the night was paid for by the people who we had just met. I was physically and mentally exhausted. That night I awoke to severe cramping and I was crying. My caring husband helped me to the bathroom and started a bath for me. I had lost the baby 😭. I was devastated and heartbroken. I got in the tub and my husband sat next to me and rubbed my back. He was crying with me. I was just so done with the move and I didn't care if we made it or not. The next morning he paid for a week so I could recuperate.

      Did I mention that I hated this trip now. I kept thinking about the baby and I started hating myself. We could have stayed in Hawthorne and the baby would still be in my stomach. My husband firmly but lovingly told me to stop and pull myself together. We had 11 children and 4 grandchildren who still needed me too. I eventually towards the end of the week started thinking straight and being the normally happy positive person that I usually am. So we packed up and got ready to go again. We traveled 36 miles and came to a small town and decided to camp just before it. We set up the tent and went to sleep. The next morning we were awoken to Baby Boy barking and growling. When we came out of the tent we were surrounded by MPS. We had gotten to close to a restricted area. We apologise and pack up and head into town. Wondering what we were by and why it is restricted. We head over to the visitors center and check out what is to be seen here. It's a cute little town and there is a small museum here. We  explore the museum and buy a few mementos. The town is called Goldfield. We met a so called preacher here that said that we would die before we made it to Las Vegas. He was an ass and I told him so. You don't talk like that and say that you are a man of God. We tried to just have a good time. When we left the town we traveled about 20 miles away. Set up camp and ate dinner Baby Boy kept stealing my husband's pork and beans 😂. My husband called him and ate one of his Pupperoni's 🤢😱. Baby Boy was mad at him. That night he had gas really bad ☹️. We put him outside the tent lol and told him to stop stinking up the tent 😂. Well he came back in and crawled into bed with got cold to the point of shivering and Baby Boy stole daddy's blanket and put it on me lol . My poor husband awoke cold when he tried to get under his blanket Baby Boy took and put it back on me. Poor guy tucked it around me and put his coat back on. He woke up at dawn and took off his jacket. It was already hot again.

       We packed up everything and ate breakfast then hit the road again.  Did I mention that June was almost over. July was just around the corner. Would we make it to Las Vegas before the fourth of July. We rode about 25 to 30 miles a day now because of the heat. We were almost to Beatty when July 4th hit. We saw the fireworks miles and miles away. Well probably around the 7th we made Beatty. It's actually a pretty little town or city rather. We stayed around there for a few days and explored. We left Beatty on the 12th and rode towards Las Vegas. We hit Indian Springs around the 24th and stayed 3 days. It was small and it was the last time we would hit a town till Las Vegas. Las Vegas was still forty eight miles away. Now it was almost August and the heat was horrible. We were making it about 8 to 15 miles a day. We would start early and stop at 11 and wait till dusk and then go til 10. It was just too hot water was running low because of all the heat it was evaporating. We were getting dehydrated and I was getting a really bad headache. I was starting to see mirages. My poor husband made a shaded area and made me sit down. It was very hot and I needed a drink desperately. A pickup truck pulled over to see if we were okay we said yes but needed water. He gave us all he had and some Gatorade. He left and a few hours later a State trooper showed up with 3 gallons of water for us. I thanked him for the water. He told us next time we get low on water to call 911 we said we would. Did I mention that we met a lot of wonderful people and will never forget their loving actions. Well we rode til almost dusk and saw a sand storm coming up. We hurriedly set up the tent and dove in with sand flying all around us. My baby looked outside and yelped then dove under the covers. I looked at Tony and he looked outside with me and we both still swear to God that we saw an evil looking face in the sand. If that wasn't scary enough we heard what sounded like demonic laughter and tortured screams almost all night. The next morning we got up to sand everywhere including in our underwear. So we cleaned up with baby wipes and got out clean clothes and packed everything up. We had gone maybe 3 miles when a huge pick up pulled up filled with an Hispanic family and offered us a ride into Las Vegas. We accepted happily. When my husband helped load our bikes and trailers the man let him know that this stretch of road is considered deadly and many people were discovered murdered there. That's why he stopped and offered us a ride. Boy am I glad we didn't end up dying.

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