California dreams.

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    I was worried about the stuff that was left in California. The paramedic tried to reassure me that it would stay safe and not to worry. I was hurting really bad and ripped the tips of my ring finger, middle finger and the pinky. It looked worse than it was. My hip felt broken as did my shoulder. I skinned my elbow almost to the bone. Thank heavens I didn't need stitches. I was a mess of pain. We were rushed back to Oregon as that was the closest hospital to us. Back in Oregon, no why??? We wanted to get out of here not stay. As we were rushed to the hospital I was worried sick about our stuff and where Baby Boy would be able to stay safe while we were inside of the hospital. I was a mess and worrying about everything and everyone else instead of me.

        Well we got to the hospital and they rushed me to an emergency room. My husband tied Baby Boy to a very safe area and gave him water, per my request. He then rushed to my side, just as the doctor was coming in. He checked me over and sent me to x-ray. We had to wait for what seemed like hours, but in actuality was only 20 minutes. The Doctor came back and let me know that nothing was broken, thank the Lord for small favors. Anyways I was still upset about leaving everything we owned by the side of road. Everyone was safe and I will always be grateful for that. Finally they wrapped all my wounds and gave me extra for keeping it clean. While we were in the emergency room they called the sheriff department and asked for help getting us a room for the night. O wasn't released until the sheriff deputy came to take us to the motel. They even brought us extra food for us and Baby Boy.😁 I was shocked at how caring they were.

    We stayed in the hotel per doctors orders. When we got up at 9 the next morning I was still worried about our stuff and if it was still there. We cleaned up and got ready to walk back to our bikes. I was limping and hurting really bad, but sucked up the pain. It was a week to the first of May. I had kept dreaming about California calling me back, lol. We were headed down the street when a car pulled up to us. It was the off duty deputy. He asked if we wanted a ride to our bikes and we gladly accepted. He told us how the people who lived on the stretch of road I wrecked on kept an eye on our stuff. It was amazing to me how caring the people who lived there were. I will always be thankful 🙏 that it wasn't worse. Well he told us to stay safe and no more wrecks lol. Our stuff was still there and untouched. As we walked up to our bikes two people came walking up to us. They asked if I was okay or needed to stay with them for a few days. We politely decline the offer and pick up our bikes off the ground. I checked mine over and was extremely surprised that it only had one damaged grip on it's left side. Where my fingers got ripped up. We were told that Alturas, Ca wasn't far and even walking slow we would make it by 3. So off we went me trying to get back on my bike to ride to Alturas, Ca so we wouldn't have to walk. I was able to get on it and go from there. Once we got to Alturas the sheriff department was notified that we were coming and to make sure that we got a room for two weeks doctors orders. 😠 Good greif two weeks??? Well anyways we didn't have to pay for it the sheriff department did,yay. Couldn't believe our luck. Here I was just 20 hours after my accident pretty much being treated like a queen. Yay me!😁 Well the first day I slept a lot.

    The next day we were up at 9 and decided to go for a walk around the town. To explore and find out info on sites to see. Went to the vet to get Baby Boy checked out. We found out that he had been severely abused before we got him. He had broken ribs and his tail had been broken twice. Poor baby! 😢 I wanted to go beat his last owners ass. After his check up and shots we found out he was just about two years old. For being abused so severely he was one of the sweetest boys. We explored many places and just had a relaxing day. When we got to the motel room we all are and took showers. I gave Baby Boy a bath and he wasn't happy. He refused to look at me for a little while. LOL he was mad. He eventually came over and gave me kisses until he decided to fall asleep. Couldn't stay mad lol. Well we decided to go to sleep and get ready for bed. Things went well and I fully healed up. I was riding my bike again and I look forward to leaving and heading to Arizona soon. We packed up the trailers and we're getting ready to leave yay. 8 am hits and we are on our way again. Now it's getting late and we find a area that looks safe to camp and put up the tent and the chairs. We sit and eat dinner and watch the sunset 😊. A beautiful  sky and my favorite guys what more can I ask.  Bedtime and Baby Boy is tugging on me begging me to come to bed. 😁 Well the next morning we are getting everything packed up and ready to go again we grab our trash. Unfortunately there is a lot of trash around from motorist who like to litter 😢.

       We are riding for about fifteen minutes and all of a sudden we are pulled over by a sheriff. We are in shock when he says either we go back and pick up our mess from where we were camped out. We tell him we did pick up our mess and show him the bag of garbage 😡. He doesn't believe us and my husband told me to stay there and he went back to our camp area. Guess what our area now had beer bottles and microwave popcorn bags. My husband looks funny at the sheriff who went with him and said he'll clean it up but it isn't our mess since neither of us likes beer or has a microwave to make 5 bags of popcorn. He was pissed and ranting about it when he gets back to me. Did the owner do this? Did a van of partiers go by and throw it out there? Confusion is going through me.😕 I guess we will never really know. We start off again. And low and behold here is the sheriff pulling us over again, now what? He says that we threw the bag down where he first pulled us over! "Uh no!" I say and show him the bag of beer bottles and popcorn bags. Nope we don't litter! All of a sudden a State trooper pulls up. He gets out of his vehicle and walks up to us  " what's going on?" he asks. We tell him and show him the evidence. He looks at the sheriff and tells him to get into his vehicle and if he harasses us again that he would be wrote up. He then asked us to follow him and he would go slower so we could keep up. We get to the last town and then he comes over to us and hands us some water and treats for Baby Boy 😍.  Then he apologized for the way the sheriff treated us and said that he would be at the station when we were done exploring.

A/N Well another chapter done😁

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