Las Vegas, baby!

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A/N This is a wildly funny place. It's full of interesting people and crazy episodes. Hopefully you can get a feel for the things we did here. I won't lie and say I won big or say that we were happy every second. But we had a great time here after all is said and done.

         Well we got into Las Vegas and yet it didn't seem like we ever would. We thanked Manuel and Arabella for the ride and then they surprised us with a bag of treats for our little guy. Baby Boy danced around the parking lot of the Walmart. All happy to be outside. Poor baby had to pee worse than a race horse on race day.  He did his business and decided he wanted to stay with me while we went into Walmart. My husband's bike was falling apart and we needed to find a way to fix it. Uh oh no way!! Did I just here this manager right? Naw I couldn't have! Uh oh no yes I did! My husband's bike was recalled due to it actually falling apart and hurting people! I was shocked and angry to find out that they were supposed to call us 3 weeks after we bought it. They had our number it hadn't changed so what was their excuse. Well thankfully the Walmart that we were at traded it in for a better model bat no extra charge. It was 30 dollars more than his old one and a much better quality. Well we left the Walmart after grabbing dogfood and other essentials. We grabbed a new ice chest too. Baby Boy was happy to be back on the road lol. He kept yipping and jumping. I let him walk as he didn't want to go into the trailer. Anyway we started down the street and started looking for a place to camp out. Well as we were walking out bicycles we met two city police officers and asked them were we could put up our tent. They told us that we weren't supposed to sleep in the park there but that they would let everyone know that they allowed us to for the night. The next day being Sunday we got an early night. We headed to the library the next morning and went inside making sure we parked the bikes and trailers in the shade and put out food and water for Baby Boy. Then we headed inside. We were looking online for places to camp on the way out of Las Vegas. It would take us about 5 days to navigate to the areas that we could camp. So no sleep! Ugh I love my sleep too. Well as we were leaving we saw a church group setting up and decided to go and check it out. We met a pastor who looked just like Rod Stewart. He was funny and we met Howie Mandel at the same time. They were good friends. Well they handed us a Bible that had Howie Mandel in gold writing. They both signed it. I loved that Bible. (It was stolen about 3 to 4 years ago). Well we told them what we were doing and how we were getting there. They came out and met our sweet boy and then they said that we had a room at the Stardust casino for a week. Woohoo! A luxury room for a week. Middle of August heat pool and air conditioning who could ask for anything better.

 Middle of August heat pool and air conditioning who could ask for anything better

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          Luxury! Room and casino.

    We went down to a free dinner that night and enjoyed the casino for a few. Then we went up and took Baby Boy out for a walk. We were surrounded by people wanting to meet Baby Boy. He was a popular little guy. Well we got back to the room and I took an hour soak in the tub. Then I bathed Baby Boy so he could cuddle up on the bed. He was a Mama's boy. Well we went to sleep comfortable and not over heated. It felt amazing. The next morning we were going to go to the pool, but there were kids rough housing. No way did we want to go down and not be able to relax. It went the same everyday. At night the drunk's were down there being rowdy and the kids during the day. Couldn't catch a break for trying. Well we enjoyed ourselves anyways. The week flew by and we packed up and got ready to leave. We went to sleep that last night and made sure that we didn't leave anything in the room. We were up with the dawn and headed back to the bikes. We put everything in the trailers and checked out of the hotel. We found a bike trail and followed it to the other side of Las Vegas. It took 3 days to get to the other side and we were tired. When we finally made it out of the bike trail we ride to the gas station to get directions to the street we needed to find. Talk about confusion. The attendant told us one way and the manager said no it's this way. We grabbed some drinks and snacks then headed out looking at a street map. Both of them gave wrong directions. Well we made it to the street we needed and started heading out of town. We met a Man who is said to be Mike Tyson's brother who had been a boxer until a head injury took him down. He was definitely a strange man and I am positive he lied about being Mike Tyson's brother. As did his friends although you never know. He showed us a good place to camp and we camped out for a few days and checked out the area. It definitely is different from the other side of the City. We went to church and then decided to leave Monday morning. Well we started riding our bikes out of the city that never sleeps and hit the highway around noon. Well Baby Boy decided he wanted to walk until a semi hit his Jake brake. He hopped like a rabbit in a race when he heard it. We rode fore a little while and when we hit the town of Henderson just before Hoover Dam it was getting late.  We stopped and ate dinner and a local lady asked us where we were headed to. We told her and asked if there was a place we could pitch a tent. She said let her call someone. Well she called her pastor and he told her to bring us over to him. We were introduced to pastor John and he told us to follow him and he opened his church for us to sleep in. September was getting really cold at night here. We went to sleep and were up by dawn headed out again. We stopped on the other side of Henderson and ate then headed towards Hoover Dam. Well we hit Hoover Dam at 2 and followed traffic up into the highest part. The new road was under construction and it was slow going. It took us til dark to reach the top. We stopped at the rest area for an hour or so and started down the other side. We had gone about a mile when my husband's trailer blew both tires. It's scary af going down that stretch with out tires. Then his bicycle front tire went flat. Next thing we know we are being pulled over by the Hoover Dam Police. She says to follow her and turn in to the construction vehicle park. Be we did and she said she would be back in a few. We set up the tent and fixed the bedding. True to her word she came back with sandwiches and chips and drinks lol. Gotta love the Hoover Dam Police. She told us to rest up and go slow getting down into Arizona. We headed to bed and I slept like the dead. We awoke to someone saying hey in the tent you all okay in there. We climbed out and we're given breakfast by another one of the Hoover Dam's police officers. What a way to start the day. Anyways we started down the highway and it was scary, my husband had to ride his bike down on the rim. Unfortunately you can't walk on the side of the road at the Hoover Dam. So we finally made it to Arizona on September 13th. This date is significant. Well we rode to the first town we came to and set up our tent. Then we walked over to the convenience store and asked them where we could get inner tubes and store and rim. They said it's a town about 30 miles away called Kingman. This little hole in the wall was called Dolan springs. It was small population 200 max.

A/N Is this one crazy trip or what? Can't believe we finally made it into Arizona. There's more to come so down and hold on. LOL couldn't resist 😂🤣.

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