Is Casa Grande with in reach?

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   I looked at the map a million times and couldn't find a way to get around Phoenix. We would have to go through and it would take at least a few days to get to Phoenix and a few more days through it and then at least a day or two to get to Casa Grande so maybe 9 more days if we were lucky and that didn't account for anymore problems. I was getting discouraged also most of the areas around Phoenix you couldn't ride a bike through it wasn't allowed. Hmm well like I said we had been here in Wittman for three days and I didn't see a point in going on. I was getting really depressed and everything that had happened to us and everything that could go wrong did. I was losing hope and I wished we never started. Yep depression sucks! My sweet, loving husband, Tony was so understanding and comforting. Him and our sweet boy made me smile and laugh at his antics. They would pretend to be mad at each other and then they would look at each other and then Baby Boy would jump up and down and then run up to Tony. I swear that dog was smarter than me. I will always remember that day. Well anyways we got ready for bed and decided to head towards Phoenix the next morning it was already the twentieth. I was officially tired of the road. I wanted a home and be able to relax. I finally fell asleep and rested my brain. We awoke around 8 and packed up and cleaned up the area we had set up camp in. We walked up to the little store there and bought some stuff for the trip. As we were leaving the store a lady stopped us and asked us where we were going to and why. So we sat at the picnic table and told her where we were going and why. We were headed to Casa Grande because my mother had a heart attack and needed my help to recover? (That's the freaking lie she told me to get us to come out!) The last said that she could get us past Phoenix and then we could ride from there since there were no safe areas until the other side. So we accepted the offer and loaded up everything and got in her truck. As she was driving we got to know her and she is. She adores Baby Boy and she said that we are great people and she couldn't let us ride our bikes and took us all the way to Casa Grande. Yeah you read that right she took us from Wittman all the way out of her way to our destination. I called the lying witch I mean my mother and let her know that we were on I10 almost there and she started her fake crying and said to tell the lady thank you for her. I told her she's bringing us all the way and she could thank her in person. We got directions and we made it to my mother's home. We unloaded our stuff and hugged the lady good bye. (Her name is Marie) She was very sweet and she left a few minutes later to get home. Yes we were very lucky.

This is my wonderful prince charming Anthony

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This is my wonderful prince charming Anthony. (My loving husband Tony).

This was what I looked like then

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This was what I looked like then.

     We stayed with my mother for a few weeks while we looked for a place to live. She pretended to be scared and we stayed until November first.  Well we had a good time for the first few weeks we were there. It started going down hill when we found a place that was promising. She didn't want us to go. She lived in a very tiny one bedroom apartment. It wasn't big enough for three adults and my niece and nephew on weekends. Well we got our place and moved in most of our stuff on the morning of Halloween and we debated leaving our bikes. We decided at the last second to just ride them and keep them with us. Well we locked up our bikes and got ready to help my mother with the candy for the trick or treaters. Well we got the bed at 11 pm and around 6 am the next morning I woke up to my husband saying that the bikes were gone. I looked at him like he had three heads. Damn it we rode them through 4 states and been through so much with them. I cried as I dialed 911 I actually loved our bikes. ( Damn I'm crying while I typed this.) The police officer that came out to take the report got the serial numbers and descriptions of the bikes. He said we will probably never see them again. I miss my purple 24 inch bike I really do. Even after almost dying on it 😂🤣😅😂😅. I know I am being silly but I loved that bike. Well we still moved into our place and I will be honest it felt so good to have our own roof over our heads. It was a two bedroom trailer and it was cute. We went to my mother's place for Thanks giving dinner and we exchanged gifts with my brother and his family since they had plans for Christmas. I was so thankful to get home afterwards because the tension was thick. My brothers wife is disabled and I really don't hate her but I don't like her. Shes always treated my brother like crap and acts like she is better than our mother and my little sister and me. Trust me she is not better. Well we ended up sick just before Christmas and didn't go to my mother's house for Christmas dinner. I didn't feel good at all 😞. But here's the kicker I was pregnant with our little one. Best Christmas present ever 😍. YAY!!!!! Went for the first doctor visit on January 6th. We were due are you ready September 13. A year from the day we stepped foot in Arizona. Remembering the miscarriage on our trip I was scared until I hit 3 months.

A/N well this was our crazy adventure. I hope you enjoyed it and since I have let you know about the baby I am going to to write the sequel. It'll be After the crazy move. Hopefully you will be able to read it too. I thought of dragging this part out, but just decided to finish it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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