Kingman a long time in the coming lol 😂.

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   Well we are pretty much stuck here in Dolan springs. Three flats on my husband's bike and trailer and now I have a flat tire too. Damn people who litter. I hit glass as we pulled into Dolan springs. Four inner tubes now had to be replaced, a tire, and a rim. Damn it, I was mad as a wet hen in a bear trap! We asked if they knew anyone who could give us a lift into Kingman and she said no, that she would if she had a vehicle. Damn just our luck this week. Anyways she told us to make a sign and hopefully someone else would come by who could help us. She gave us cardboard and some permanent markers to make the sign. Well we went to our camp and started making the sign. We affixed it were she told us to. We made dinner and Baby Boy frolicked and played for a while.  We went to bed and I awoke about 3 am. I couldn't get back to sleep so decided to read. Tony awoke at 8 in a bad mood and was snapping at me a lot. Finally we are pretty mad and miserable, so what do we do now. Uh oh fights on he snapped at me for the umpteenth time and I've had enough. I turned around and told him to get stuffed. He looked at me like I was insane. He walked up to me and said he has had enough. I looked at him and said good go I'm sick and tired of his damn moping around. Next thing you know is we were not going to live like this and I took off my ring and flung it. He stopped and stared at me and said no. I looked at him and said with tears streaming down my face that it's over I can't stand the thought of fighting over something so stupid and asinine. He said but I love you and don't want to lose you. I said I love you too and I can't stand it when you are angry and won't talk to me. He held me and apologized for being an ass. I started bawling my eyes out because I was stupid enough to throw my ring. I didn't know what direction I threw it. He told me to go get some Pepsi and Cheetos. I did trying not to cry. When I got back my sweet husband handed me a rose and a chocolate bar. I hugged him and kissed him. He told me to go and relax in the tent and he'd be in soon. I climbed into the tent and stopped. There on my pillow was my ring and another rose. He climbed in a few seconds later. I love make up sex! Well the day went slowly by and no one came by. We are dinner and then we went to sleep. Baby Boy was growling and whining at the door of the tent. I opened the window flap and looked outside. Then I saw a prairie dog playing with the strap on the trailer. It was so cute. I told Baby Boy it was just a cute little prairie dog playing. He looked at me like I was going insane lol. He was the sweetest boy.

  A few hours later someone came by and said that they could take us to Kingman

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  A few hours later someone came by and said that they could take us to Kingman. YAY!  Walmart here we come. Well we packed up and loaded the bikes and trailers into the pickup truck. We climbed into the cab and away we went. We were finally going to be able to fix the flats. Well we got to the Walmart and offered the guy some money for getting us here and he said no Thank you. We entered the Walmart and got everything we needed to fix all the flats.  Grabbed more water and food. Well we officially have been in Arizona for a week.  We made it here and now we can make it to Casa Grande. So proud of us we made it through three states. Once we make it to Casa Grande we'll need to find a place to live. Okay I know I am getting ahead of myself. Well we took Baby Boy to the dog park and let him play. We need to find a place to stay for the night now and try and find somewhere to set up our tent. We found a trailer park that allows tents for the night. It cost us three dollars lol. We camped for three days so we could explore around town. We sat down in a field to rest and eat lunch when a police officer came up and said you can't sleep here get moving. I stood up and said, number one we're eating lunch and number two we have a campsite were it's legal. We are exploring the town not staying in your stupid town. He said you don't have to be sarcastic about it. I said you were rude so yes I did. He started laughing and said that he likes a girl with a spunky attitude. I pointed at my husband and said so does my husband and he doesn't want you flirting. We ended up going to dinner that night with the officer. LOL don't you just love the way things happen. Well we got a new friend and are already ready to leave. We headed back to camp and got ready for bed. Poor Tony he wanted to get this trip over with already. We needed the three days plus to relax. It's really stressful with all the flats and not making any progress. We took 4 more days to unwind. Yes I know it was only supposed to be 3 days. We took a week we deserved it after Hoover Dam lol. Well we went to church on Sunday and met some more nice people who asked us about our trip and wanted our autographs lol. They said they wanted to say I met those people when the book comes out about them. Crazy yeah it was.

     Well the next morning got here and we packed up everything and went to say goodbye to everyone we met here. It actually was hard leaving Kingman. Then we got back on the road. We rode for about 4 hours. And hit a truck stop just before our turnoff. My husband's bike tire was going low. Damn can't win for losing. Anyhow we pulled into the parking lot and my husband unhooked the trailer and turned his bike over looking for why it was flat.

Can you guess what kind of snake this is?

We found out quickly what caused his flat

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We found out quickly what caused his flat. Can you guess what it was? Yes the picture is a clue. I thank God every day that it got the tire instead of my sweet Tony. We had to keep saying we didn't see any damn snakes and pow one bit his tire. It was a bullhead snake. My husband had felt something hit his bike, but thought nothing of it. Until his tire went flat. I'm thankful he's here to talk about it. Thankfully we had more spares. He changed his tire and we hooked it up to the trailer again.  As we were getting ready to leave the manager called us back and said someone had paid for our lunch and to come inside. So we locked up the bikes and unhooked Baby Boy and he came inside with us. As we are country fried steak and potatoes and drank Pepsi and Sprite. We relaxed and I fed Baby Boy some of my food. He was in seventh heaven lol. They kept coming over and cooing over him and bringing him treats lol. I swear I have never seen people who cooed over a dog before. It was funny! After we finished eating the manager came over to us and handed us a key for one of their showers. He said now I'm not trying to be offensive but, here is a key for a shower room. I know that you don't drink nor look dirty, but y'all have been riding in that damn heat and a shower is the best way to cool down and get the dust off. He had a deep southern drawl. We gladly took a shower and even gave Baby Boy one. He loved it! Well we dried off got dressed in clean clothes. Then we started getting ready to leave. Well we hit the road and went until we couldn't go any further. We were officially exhausted. We went to put up the tent and found out it ripped somehow. I was worried we hadn't slept under the stars in forever. We put down the bed cushion and then the bedding. We went to sleep in the open air and slept good. We awoke at daybreak and got packed up and ready to go. We are and took care of business and let our sweet boy do his. We hit the road and passed new construction. We were getting hot and realized that one of our gallon jugs of water sprung a leak. We were almost out of water. We passed a construction site and wondered where the crew was. Then we passed them and one of the guys flagged us down. Cars hardly ever went this way and they were curious about us. So we told them what we were doing and then they refilled three of the water jugs and told us to be safe. We told them the same. We rode until dark and set up our bedding again under the stars. Fell asleep and woke up at 9 for some reason the sun didn't wake us up this time. We packed up and Baby Boy decided to walk this time. We rode the last twenty miles to Wittman and stopped for a long time. 9 days to be exact. We kept trying to figure out a way to get around Phoenix as they didn't have any options for bike riders to get through. What to do? We could ride and possibly get in serious trouble or we could figure another way.

A/N well this is the second maybe third to the last chapter. Trip is almost over.
I really hope that you had fun following this crazy trip. I will try to finish a chapter a day.

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