Chapter 10: Clothes and Mr. Assistant

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Emma's POV

"Audrey. I think you need a wardrobe change." I said to her. I'm in her room with Olive just hanging out. Somehow she's growing closer to us maybe because we're around the same physical age.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked me

"Mr. Shadow do you think that she needs a wardrobe change?" I ask her shadow. He opens the book and write something. Yes. Audrey already told all if us to pronounce Mr. Shadow as 'him' not 'it'.

Yeah. She defenitely needs new clothes. I mean just look at her closet. There's only white shirts. No offence Audrey.

"Buh- But. I love those white shirts." Audrey look offended. "Besides, we live in the same place over and over. So why the sweat?"

"I know but I think there's a boutique where you can buy new clothes. So we're thinking either we could go out and check it."

"Should we ask Miss P?" Olive suggest

"Yeah. We can ask her if she wanted to come too."Do you want to come Audrey?"

"Uhh... Sure-"

"Good!" I clasped my palm together. "Then it's settled. We're going today!"

"Lets go and ask!" I grab Audrey's hand and go straight in finding Miss P


"Miss P?" I found her at the lawn drinking tea with Miss N.

"Yes Emma?"

"Will you consider our permission to go to this one boutique at the town granted?"

"Yes you may. But why are you three choosing to go to a boutique?" She placed her teacup at the small plate back.

"We figured out that Audrey may need some new clothes."

"Yes it is true that she needs a new look. But if it's going outside, I think it might be better of if I also come along to ensure the safety of you three girls"

Yes! Our plan worked! I glance at a happy Olive and confused Audrey. "Buh- but- but...I haven't decide yet...." Audrey's face looks like she's about to burst into tears.

"Don't worry Audrey you're going to love this boutique." I chuckle a little.


The sun is shining brightly. "Ahh... A perfect weather for a shopping day." I compliment happily. "Ughh... I never been out on a bright, hot, shining, and sunny place." Audrey stated matter-of- factly

She may still be alittle angry with me and Olive. "Why did you say like that?" Olive asks Audrey.

"You probally don't want to hear my story." Audrey said kicking some rocks along the path.

"I don't mind hearing it." Olive said.

"Yeah me too." I told them.

"Ouh. Alright. The place where the organisation reside was a place where the sun rarely shone outside the loop. In the loop were even worse. The weather were replaced with fogs and mist. They picked that day because the test subjects will have a hard time finding their way out of the pine forest due to the bad weather." She finishes her story with a sigh.

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