Chapter 17: bittersweet chocolate

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Trigger chap

Third Person POV

Somewhere at the sea

      Caul looked at her beautiful little sister in that little cage. He smirked a smirk full of pride. "Alma what's wrong? Got any problems? You can talk to me." He stuck his fingers between the bars to stroke Alma's feather or possibly wanting to pluck it from her skin.

Alma screeched. She knew what Caul's going to do with her. She hopped farther from where Caul's fingers are. She stared at the fingers like its the most dangerous weapon ever.

Caul's smirk faded. He grit his teeth, open the cage and grab Alma by her right wing. Alma screech even louder. Hearing her sister crying in pain satisfied him. He grasp her wing even harder.

"Geez Caul." Julliete sighed "Calm down. You don't want to break her bones right? You know she can't shift back if she's heavily injured. If she stays in that form you won't have a lot of fun tormenting her like Audrey."

Hearing the word 'torment' makes Alma back away even further but Caul stopped her from doing so. "Now. Now my dear. I don't want to break you before we arrive at our destination. So would you be kind and stay like a good birdie?" Caul loosened his grip from her wing. He close the cage and walk away from the room she and other Ymbrynes were kept. She noticed that she's inside a ship. A ship with an uknown destination. Alma turned to look on her caged sisters. They all gave her a look of pity. Especially Miss Bunting.

Alma shook her head "It's alright. We never knew this was coming." If she's in her human form they might see her smiling.

Audrey, Natasha, my children... I hope all of you are safe...

At Miss Juliette's raided loop

      "So Caul left this annoying trash so that you can chase after him?"Oh my bird he never changed." Gloria crumple the letter and throw it away. Audrey and Julian nod their head.

"Alrighty then, let's go to your loop." Gloria got up and spun happily. "Now we shall use the future as our way. Audrey since you're Alma's trusted ward, come and lead the way!"

''Great another weird cheery peculiar." Audrey thought.

In the train of the future

"So where do you think Caul is heading?" Julian asked. Audrey didn't respond on the question she's just staring outside the window spacing out.

"I don't know. Maybe it's Alma's loop. Better check before its too late." Miss Turkey shrugged her shoulders not moving her eyes from the map.

"Ok" Julian said knowing no one will answer his question. Audrey sighed got up from her seat and said: "I'm going to the next cart to get something. You don't have to follow me Jul" Audrey's blonde hair brushed past Julian's shoulder. He looked at Audrey worriedly as her back fading away from his view.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Audrey cursed lightly under her mouth. Her steps are heavy on the grey glittery floor. "What the hell is the shit I deserve for?" Audrey nibbled her right thumb finger's nail.

Her body is crying for another cut or bruise to release the boulder she's been carrying ever since she got out from the loop. Audrey shooked her head. 'Promise is a promise.' Mr. Shadow whispered in her mind. Mr. Shadow's right a promise between a ward and an Ymbryne can't be broken.

Audrey thought of another solution to kick her stressed mind. Sweet things. She walked to a small bar stand on her right side. She sat at the bar chair. Its unexpectedly quite comfy.

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