Chapter 12: Breaking the chain of past

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Warning: Voilence contents and may include gore

Audrey's POV


No. I fell to my knees. No. No. No. It's impossible. Miss Peregrine is her? The woman who father always compare me with? Bentham? My breathing's going heavy. My head is flashing all of my past memories.


"You'll love your new house." This "father" guy said to me. I just nod my head. "Since you'll be living with me, I need to give you my family's surname. Bentham. From now on your name will be Audrey Gabriel Bentham"

Two years later

"Father. I'm back." I limp myself at the front door. The injury on my head and arms are making me dizzy.

"Haven't I told you that you shouldn't be out from the house?" I saw father at his seat with a book on. His penetrating blue hinted green eyes glaring at me.

"I- I'm sorry father. I just wanted to give you these roses." I show him the roses.

He rose from his chair and walk to me. Instantly the roses I was holding turned into petals scattering on the floor leaving me only with the thorny stems which hurt my now bleeding palms.

I look at father slowly. His face grew grimmer, and his eyes grew colder. "You shall be punished my dear."

Its my second time being punished. First when I came back from a library on my own. I was left to starve for three days with water being my energy source. I thought I had escaped punishment, but my fate says no.

I hear a lighters cap being lifted. I look and see father flicking the lighter to life.

"Now Audrey. Would you mind being a good girl and get your shirt off from your body?" He walks closer to me and stand behind my back. I do as he said.

I can see from the corner of my eye, he's kneeling. He flick the lighter once again and say, "Endure this pain my dear. This scar will remind you that you should always obeyed your father." I can feel the heat from the small fire drawing closer and closer.

Finally it made contact with my skin. My flesh erupted into a sizzling noise which annoyed me. The smell of rotten meat filled my nose.

"Bite my fingers dear so that other people will not hear your scream."

I just bit into his fingers. The metallic blood filled my mouth. I gulp the blood down...

Later that night. I was resting at the bed with me laying on my stomach. Father had sent Uncle M to deal with my injury.

Uncle M isn't like father. He is sweet nice and loving. He even gave me the medicine that he applied on my body a while ago. I asked him where did he got the medicine. He said: "It's from one of my friend at the place where I live."This dust might make you fall asleep." Use it wisely."

The next day

"Audrey. I think we should move in to my organisation." Father said one afrernoon.

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