Chapter 18: Barron is just my first bait

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Third person POV

"Such a wild girl I should've take more cautions with master's words" The woman wiped some blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. "Fine, I'll show you. Boys, corner her" She clapped her hands, suddenly five men in black suit appeared behind Audrey.

'Audrey should I execute these dogs?'

"No, no need I've got another plan" Audrey let Mr. Shadow linger around her like Audrey's controlling him. "What's this? You're too afraid to face me so you brought back up, or father already mentioned you to bring them because I'm dangerous and untamable?" Audrey gave an evil smirk. The woman just stared at Audrey probably thinking Audrey is as dangerous as her master.

She walk closer to the woman knowing the suited men behind her are watching her with every step she took. Audrey looked at the woman in the eye she noticed that the lens on her left eye was gone revealing the white milky eye she hated. Audrey smiled.

"Now that I've seen your wight side, I can eliminate all of you." Mr.Shadow?"


Tentacles of shadows appears on Audrey's back. The five black suited men including the female wight look at Audrey with shock and fear.

"I bet this is going to be a good exercise for me." Audrey's eyes glow with thirst.


Meanwhile on Caul's ship...

"Urghh..." Alma groaned from the impact of what Caul did to her. She tries to move her hands but it felt heavy. What's on both of my wrists? Are these chains? Why are these on me?

Alma struggled to free her hands but its no use it only hurt her wrists even more. She knows its bleeding, hurt but the pain never distract her from looking who's infront of her. Caul sitting on a chair reading; pretending not to notice his awaken sister. His pretence sat for a while till he decided to close the book and get up from the seat. He's in his vest and white button shirt. He fixed his wrists buttons and walk around Alma.

Alma only gave Caul her death stare which Caul reply with a grin. "Alma, Alma" he said in his sweet sickening tone, "you look so beautiful when you're glaring at me with your sharp eyes." Alma continued to glare at him. "Well I know you have a lot of questions you wanted to ask me, so right now I'm willing to answer your questions"

Alma stay silenced. Caul gave her his cold sarcastic look. "I probably know your question. I did this because I want to achieve something others like we can't" he circled around Alma and kneeled infront of her. He raised her chin up for better look. "When I mean something we can't achieve, I meant immortality."

"But-" Alma opened her mouth even though Caul's grip on her chin is hurting her jaw. "Yes I know living in loops can be told as immortal. Nevertheless, living in the same day over and over, watching the same panorama, the same face you have to see, experiencing one season instead of four. Just imagine, having to take care of your wards whose body's immune system were weak when facing either one of the seasons. Don't you think that as a nuisance?" Caul roughly let go of his grasp on Alma's chin.

"We Ymbrynes will still take care of our wards without thinking of them as a nuisance! It's our resposibility!" Alma cried out loud. "Ah yes I'm well aware of you Ymbrynes with your mother birds mannerisms. Well I can't blame you on that." Caul rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Anyway," Caul turn to her sister "do you know why I captured you and your sisters?"
Alma couldn't help but shake her head. Caul snickered "Well I wanted to settle what I've done during 1908."

Alma's POV

Settle? What did he meant by that? Well I do know what occurred during that period of time but his choice of word does not make any sense.

"Having your point of view when I'm here Alma? It seems what I've said before troubles your mind." Caul snaped me back to reality. "Alright, I'm going to give you a hint. Who caused the creation of Hollowgast?"

What kind of question is he trying to apply? "Barron." I answered

"Good. Do you know who's the mastermind behind the experiment?"

I don't know how long I'm able to cope with his silly game. "Barron."

He laughed his lungs out when I answered Barron.

"Oh my. I can't believe that's what you thought." He continued laughing. I'm quite annoyed with his attitude on confronting me. I only continue glaring at him

"Pardon the way I'm laughing over your answer Alma" he said inbetween his laugh "It's just your answer was too hilarious"

I dared not to talk back to him. I only stayed still only hoping he won't hurt me even more.

"I know what you're thinking. You didn't believe me am I right?" A shiver race through my spine when he said that. I turn my face from his.

"Well I won't blame you. I know I've always been a liar. So, I'm going to tell you the exact truth. How's that sound?" He continued before I could answer "I didn't want any of you birds found out about me being the mastermind for the Hollowgast creation so I simply asked Barron to be it, and you know what he thought? He thought that I would give him a higher position when I'm simply manipulating his mind with all my sweet for nothings" He grinned widely.

'Caul you're still a creature who won't change no matter what' I wish I could say that to him but I better not cross the line.

Third person POV

Caul's cold chilly eyes kept on gazing upon his beautiful sister. "Well it looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Alma's eyes widen upon hearing her brother's statement.

Caul must've notice Alma's reaction that's why he smirked "It looks like you haven't caught the answer"

"What are you implying Caul?" Alma frowned.

Caul snorted "I don't want to spoil it here yet, I might tell you but it would be much better if you figured it out by yourself once I reunite you with Audrey" He chuckled coldly.

"Don't you dare hurt her Caul!" "I know for sure she won't endanger herself to save me." Alma struggled herself on the chains.

Caul gritted his teeth and slap Alma on her face really hard. Alma's vision became blurry and all she can hear is,

'Sleep tight my bird when the time comes I'll wake you up'

And it all turned black


Hehwo my faithfull readers! Hru? I hope you all in healthy shape with all this Covid-19 been going. The case in my coutry have reached till 1000+ cases and right now we're in the Movement Control Order till 14thApril. Boi I'm literally rotting inside my room, not to mention me checking almost a few hours on the fridge to find something to eat 😅. Anyway, sorry for not updating for a while alot had happen in my life. But don't worry I'm still writing this fic.
That is all I have to say, hope you guys staying in your house and fidn't go out. Make sure to always wash your hands
#staysafe #stayathome

I'm signing off,

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