Chapter 11

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In Auradon...

Mal's pov...

Ben, I told you not to go to the press with this. I say as I passe around Ben's office.

Look, I didn't mean for it to go out. Ben says as he looks at me.

Yeah, well now my sister knows that I said something and now she is gonna kill everyone I love Ben. I say as I continue to passe.

Mal, we will get through this I'm sure she isn't that powerful. Ben says.

Wrong actual Ben. Samantha is stronger than Mal and Maleficent combined. Fairy godmother says as she enters the room.

Wait, she's stronger than Mom? I ask.

Yes, not as powerful as her father but the way things are going. It will be soon. FG Says.

When she was here I feel like she wanted to take over Auradon today but couldn't. Is there a way to see where she is and what she is doing? I ask FG.

Yes, there is. We can use Evie's mirror and spy on them if that is what you mean? FG asks.

Can we try? I ask.

Sure. Ben says.

Okay, I will be back with your parents Ben and your friends Mal with the mirror. FG says before she leaves.

This is just gonna get worse. I say as I start to passe.

How do you know that Mal? Ben asks. 

Because I ruined her life. I destroyed her life. You know how every villain wasn't a villain something happened to them to make them that way. It was me! I was the one that turned her into a villain. And did you see her hair at you coronation? It was so real. I say as I continue to passe.

What she said at my coronation was it true? Ben asks me.

Yes. I say looking down.

Okay, we have everything. FG says as she enters the room with Belle and Beast with my friends as well.

I am so sorry guys this is happening. I say to them.

Mal, this isn't your fault. Belle says.

Oh, but it is. Samantha says out of nowhere as she comes into the room.

Why are you here? I ask my sister.

Well, you know revenge and all. Samantha says to me.

Look, I know that you are angry but we can solve this. I try to say.

Solve this? The only solving that is gonna happen is you dead. Samantha says.

What did your sister do to you that can make you hate her so much? Belle asks.

Samantha's pov...

Oh, hmm let's see the moment she was born she ruined my life. I was not jealous of her. That my mother had another child. But I was angry because MY father left because of you. And because of Mom. That was just the beginning. Mal. I hate that you walked around the Isle like you owned the place. Because you don't. When you thought you were in charge you weren't'. I was. And I always will be. Because I am not a failure. I say to Mal as she starts to cry.

Look, that's it? That's why you hate her? Beast asks.

Oh, no that was the beginning. Storytime. So when I was 16 years old I had a boyfriend for 3 years. Mal started to have a crush on him because he's hot. So every time he was over she always tried to get his attention. You know what he did. Nothing he just ignored her and acted like you didn't even exist Mal. Then you overheard Mom and me speaking, that I was pregnant with Harry's baby and you were so angry because then you realized that you would never be able to be with him if he was the father of your big sisters baby. So, when I was caught off guard you pushed me down the stairs and left me there so the baby could die. I say.

I am sorry. Okay, I never meant to hurt you. Mal says as she is crying. 

You don't get to cry. NO, you don't get to act like it's all about you it isn't. You killed my baby. Harry's baby. Remember what he did to you after you did that and I was okay. He put his hand around your neck and just squeezed and wouldn't stop until Mom pulled him off and you were sent to stay at Evie's until it's time for you to come home.  And while you were gone. MY father came back and helped me. He was there unlike your father who just abanded you. You were jealous. I say as I glare at Mal.

Yes, okay I was jealous okay, I wanted Harry to leave you for me. But I am so sorry. Mal says.

If you were so sorry, Mal. You wouldn't have done it. Harry and I are still together. Stronger than ever. And we are expecting again. I say as I put my hands on my stomach.

You're pregnant? Asked Mal.

Well, yeah. I say as I glare at her.

Mom said that the baby you lost was the only child you could conceive. Mal says in shock.

Well, you know mother always lies to you Mal. So, she lied. To protect me. Because the only person she loves is me. And my father even though she won't admit it.

So now what? Mal asks.

Now you are gonna live your life in Auradon. You will say to the people that it was a fake threat. But one day I will destroy you. I say before I disappear and head back home.

*Hey guys so here's another chapter. I will be updating all day so wait for these chapters!!!!*

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