The new Princess

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It was a beautiful sunny day in Enchancia and  Sofia  woke up early  to get ready for  her new school.   I  wonder whats for breakfast she says to herself ?  She gose to the corner of her room and rings for Suezet. Morning miss how can I help you?  Can you  help me with  my dress I can't get the back zipper on  it. Sure miss it  would be  my pleasure.  Thanks I should go get my breakfast and get ready  for  school.  Okay miss  do you have everything you need?  Yes I have  everything in my bag.  Okay miss have a good  day.  After breakfast Sofia gose out to meet the coach with her brother and sister.  Amber, James wait up.  Hey Sofia  you ready  for your first day of Royal Prep?  As ready as I'll ever be.   Don't worry  Sofia  I'm here for you. Thanks James I'm just a little  nervous about it.  I  get it it scary going  to  a new school.  But Amber and I  will help you out.  Right Amber ?  Yeah of course  I  will.  Thanks guys  I guess  we'll have to stay together as a family huh? Yeah but you may want to get to  know  the other kids our age so if you need to be alone just  let us know.  Just then the coach arrived to take  them to school.   Fifteen minutes  later at Royal Prep..  Amber  I need to talk to you!! Oh who is this?  This is my sister  Sofia.   Oh hi Sofia  I'm Prince Hugo. Hi Prince Hugo  I'm pleased  to  meet you.  So Hugo what did you want to talk about.  I wanted to ask if you would  consider setting up a playdate with me at your  place.? Sure any particular reason?  Well  I heard you had a new sister and I would like to get to know you and her better.  Okay  Hugo but I  have  to  go to get my sister to class. I 'll come to I have the same  class.  Sofia chimes in so Hugo maybe you'd like to come  sit by me in class? Yes I would like  that very much.   They went  off to class and sat in the back row.  Good morning class. Good morning  headmistress.  Class we have a new  student joining  us  today. Sofia  please come  up front and tell us a little about yourself.   Sofia  stands up and gose to the front and says hi I'm  Princess Sofia I'm James and Amber stepsisster and I am looking forward to meeting you all.  Hugo leans over  to  Sofia  and says you did great. I  wanted to ask if you would consider eating lunch with me?  Yes  I can do that but I need to tell Amber and James.   Okay  hutry I  need to tell you something important to me. Okay be right back.  Amber  James  I am going to sit with Hugo today. Okay Sofia  sounds good.   Okay Hugo  I am  ready to eat with you.  Okay great! He takes her over  to  a table away from the others  and says have  a seat.  He then pulls out  one of the two chairs  and offers it to her. Sofia  quickly  sits and Hugo joins her.  Then a waiter comes over and says  what  did you want to eat?   I'll have  a plate of chicken cordon bleu and a juice. And for you miss? I'll have the same  and a glass of milk. Okay  I will be right  back  with that.  Five minutes  later  he returned with the food and carfuly sets it on the table  and steps  away.  So Hugo  what did you want to tell me? Well  Sofia I'm aware that we just  met but I am  afraid I'll have to be honest with you. Okay Hugo I am ready. I wanted to ask if you have any interest in me other  than as friends? Yes I have  but I am afraid I'll have to be honest with you as well  I have  been  trying to get over a bad relationship  with a guy who  was  always mean and beat me so I will have to  go  slow  with a new  relationship. For now  let's just hold hands and maybe  kisses  but I need  time  to  get better  before I can do anything  more than that.  Okay Sofia  sounds good I just have to be patient with you  but I didn't  want  anything  more  than  that anyway.

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