i love you too babe

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Sofia stands up and gose to help Hugo up When  they hear  a knock  on the door  again.  Wonder who it is  this  time ? Come in Hugo calls for the second time.   Hey littlie brother  I wanted to tell  you  something  don't  think  about  being  rough with  her  and don't do anything  more than what  is okay with her. I know that  brother but please don't forget that I am not like  that.  Okay Hugo  but I am going to be in my room if you need anything princess. Okay thanks I am not even sure where your room  is. Just  down the hallway but just ask your guard to accompany you if you  ever need me to help you.   Okay thanks I will  but before you go could  you have a  couple of glasses of soda or something  sent up? Of course princess it would  be my pleasure.  Thanks man I really  appreciate your honesty and your concern for  me.  No problem princess  take  care and be  safe and let me know if he gets out of line princess.   Okay thanks.  He then leaves then Hugo turns  to Sofia and says I want you to to dance with me my love  for  a wile first if you don't  mind.  Okay Hugo but I need you to hold me during this.  Okay Sofia let's  slow  dance not waltz this time.   Okay my love.

After the dance they start undoing the buttons on  Hugo's  favorite shirt when there was a small  scuffle  out in the hallway. Then Sofia  gasped  as the one man she hoped to  never see again  burst  through  the  door.   Hugo spun round drawing his sword  and pushes Sofia  behind him  and started to argue  with  the man trying to get him to leave. But he bull rushes  Hugo and Hugo  screams  as the man attacks  him.  Then the door opens again  and Hugo  turns to Sofia and says  I want you to go  and don't even think of looking  back  she runs  out of the room down the hallway screaming  at the  top of her lungs. Hugo's brother  hears her screams  and rush out of his room sword drawn and says  what happened. Hugo's  in trouble  my birth dad killed the guards  at his door and Is currently  fight Hugo you have to help Hugo  please.  Okay  Sofia go find my dad he will protect  you and I  will help  Hugo. Okay  I will she  takes  off and bumps into a group of servants  and says  I need to find the king straight  away  Hugo is in trouble  and  I need help. Okay  come with us we will take you to him. Okay thanks.  The all gather around  the  princess  and take her straight to the king.  Sofia! Where's  my  son and why are you  so frightened? My birth dad killed  the guards  and is now  in Hugo's room fight with both Hugo and his brother  I need  you to  protect  me and  maybe  send  more men to help Hugo please.  Okay Sofia  please stay behind me. Guards come quick the  prince's need your help! The guards then swarm Hugo's room and find that Hugo's been injured and his  brother is fighting to  protect  him from a man they  were  on alert for.  Hugo's brother  hears the  guards  and  says  help take  care of my  baby brother  please  I can't hold out much  longer.  The guards rush over and two pick up Hugo supporting his whole  body  and  head out of the room the rest help the elder Prince with the intruder.  Sofia and the king  are heading out to meet with the messenger from king Roland  and to get Sofias stuff.  I need you to send another message  to king Roland. Of course  princess  it would be my pleasure. What is your  message help my guard  is dead Hugo's hurt and I need help. Okay  Sofia  got it here is  your stuff. Thank you Mr.  Okay I'm on the way back to your dad.  He then flys back to Enchancia and lands outside the  palace.  A guard confronts the messenger saying state your  business.  I am here with a message  from her majesty princess Sofia  I must  speak to the  king  straight away.   Okay  this way. He leads the messenger to the garden where king Roland and queen  Miranda were sitting  sipping tea.  Pardon me  your  majesty  but this messenger says  he has a message for you from my princess Sofia. He may speak with me.  Yes  sire.  What is your message. The princess Sofia  says help my guard  is dead  Hugo's hurt  and I  need help. Okay  thank you messenger.  Guards  come here please.  Yes  your majesty how  may we serve you?  Have  twenty of your  best men go to aid my daughter  she is  with Prince  Hugo and I need you to keep  her safe. yes your majesty right away.

Sofia The First I need loveWhere stories live. Discover now