The Date

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So  Hugo where are you taking me?  Back to my castle  to meet with my dad and brother  then to my favorite restaurant.  Okay  but what happens if your dad and brother  don't  like  me?  I have been rejected by  so may I don't  know if  I can do that again.  I don't think  you  have  to worry  about  that Sofia  but I promise I will  keep  on loving you  no matter what dad says.   Okay Hugo  but don't get yourself in trouble  for me.  I  am always in trouble  for  a lot of  thimgs but dad has  been  on my case to find someone to love so I think this will be fine.   What if you don't  mind me asking dose your dad get angry about most.  Typically I get yelled at for  stupid things like forgetting to  close the  door  to the stable  or getting  in to  things that belonged to my mom.  Oh what happened to your mom  if you  dnot mind me asking.  She passed on last year  of congestive heart failure so I still have to get used to her being gone.   Oh I'm sorry to hear that.  It's okay I just  got to get on with  my life and  try to live the best way I can.   Here we are  I will go in first so I  can  fill in the guards the I will come get you.  Okay  Hugo  but hurry I  don't like being out in a new place alone  for long.  Okay just  wait here with your guard.  I will only be a moment. Back so  soon  your majesty.? Yes I have a important visitor  to see my family can you have  dad and my brother  meet me in the courtyard?  Yes  your majesty right away.  Hugo then gose  back outside to the courtyard and waits for his  family.  Hey Sofia you ready to meet my family? Yes as ready as I'll ever be.  I need you to promise me you'll never break up with  me over what  other people say about me. Why what do  they say about you? That I'm a worthless little two bit whore and that I  like  to play tricks on my boyfriend.  Why would  people  say that about you I don't believe that about you for a minute.  Listen  if  anyone  trys to hurt you in any way  I want you to tell me immediately. I will sort it out I promise I will keep you close to my heart always. I will as well my Prince.  Hugo  I thought you  were on a playdate with  your  friends  I was but I'm here to speak to you and dad about  something important to me.  Well dads on his  way  out of the castle but I hope  for  your  sake you have good news  today.  Excuse me  sir but what do you mean  for his  sake? I have been get into fights at school  some times so dads fed up  with  me  at  the  moment.  Who are you and what  are  you  here for? I am Princess Sofia  and I am just hear as Hugo's girlfriend  but please  don't  hurt him or me.  I  wouldn't hurt a female  but I'm  not sure I  like my son dating someone who  clearly is a shy and Timid little  girl.  I am sorry  I  have had a very abusive father and a very abusive boyfriend  before  Hugo so I'm very insecure in New experiences  such as meeting  new people.   Oh sorry I didn't  know. Hugo  go get my box of stuff from your  mom's stuff. Okay  dad I will.  Hugo then gose and grabs the box and brings it to his father.  His father  then opens it and carfuly takes out I diamond  necklaces  and carfuly puts it on Sofia  and  says  I want you to take this and always  remember  your welcome  to  visit  us any time just  show  this to the guards over there and they will  bring  you to  me straight  away.  If the need arises  you call on my  family  and we  will  protect you and your family.

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