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(Ps I changed her name half way through, it's Lilly now.)

Recap- "Lilly, I want to..." END OF RECAP!

Nash's Pov

"Lilly, I want to tell you something." I can't believe I was doing this, I cheated on Lilly a few months ago, and to be honest I like her more, her name is Shannon, she has long blonde hair, and she's not moody, I'm leaving Lilly, for Shannon. "I, I um I cheated on you."

Lilly's Pov

Nash told me he loved me, YESTERDAY! I can't believe him, I was pregnant with HIS BABY! "Nash! I just had your baby! You told me you loved me yesterday! LEAVE NOW! I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME OR AMANDA!" By now the whole hospital could hear me. "Anna I'm sorry, but you were treating me like I wasn't your fiancé, you treated me like someone off the street!" I can't believe he's blaming this on me! "Nash!" I tried to say as calm as I could, "Im sorry but if you didn't notice, I was pregnant!" "WELL YOU COULD HAVE TREATED ME BETTER!" He shouted back putting his hand through his hair.

Nash's Pov
Her eyes were full of tears. I feel so bad, but it's worth it Shannon treats me better. "At least I don't feel like crap when I'm with Shannon!" I can't believe I said that. "Nash! I treated you better than that, that, girl!" "No you don't Anna!" "Get out Nash, I don't want to ever see you or that girlfriend of yours again, and don't even think about coming near me or Amanda!" I was walking out the door when Anna said something else, "Were you at the bar, or club?" Of course she knows, whenever I'm stressed I go to the bar. "Yes, I was at the bar." I said defending myself, "Are you sure she wasn't drunk?" The words I don't want to hear, Shannon loves me for me.

Lily's Pov
I know she was drunk. I can tell by the way Nash stormed out of the room. I got up and walked into the bathroom and put on a robe. Then I walked over to see my beautiful baby. I picked her up and rocked her back and forth in my arms. "Hey little girl, it looks like it's just you and me." I smiled. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, I knew exactly who it was, Shawn, Cameron and Cameron's girlfriend Sam. "We saw Nash run out of the hospital and get into a car with a girl, I'm so sorry!" Shawn said.

Shawn's Pov
Cameron, Lilly and I were walking into the hospital to see Lilly, Nash and the new baby. We were almost reaching for the door handle when Nash came bursting through the doors and run into a car with a girl. She's was kind of pretty but not as pretty as Lilly.
We walked into the room and saw Lilly with her little baby girl, rocking her in arms, you could really feel the love in this room. Cameron, Anna and I looked at each other and wrapped our arms around her. "We saw Nash run out of the hospital and get into a car with a girl, I'm so sorry!" I said. "It's ok, as long as you guys stay by my side I'll." I corrected myself, "We will be fine." She said referring to herself and her baby.

Lilly's Pov
"Do you wanna hold her?" I asked Cameron. "Sure, why not?" I put Amanda into his arms. "What's her name?" Anna asked, "Her name is Amanda." I burst into tears, Amanda the name that Nash picked out, the only thing that will remind me of him. The thing that we created together, my little bundle of joy, Amanda.
A few hours later
I assumed Nash was kicking me and the baby out so when I was aloud to leave i didn't know where to go. My parents live in London and I can't go to Nash's parents house, obviously. "Hey, Lilly where you staying?" Shawn asked me, "Well, in a hotel I guess?" "No!" Shawn said, "I'm not letting you stay in a hotel!" I looked at him weird, what was the boy thinking? "You're staying at my house, I have an extra bedroom, and we can go to your old house and go get the crib and some of the toys!" I laid Amanda down on the hospital bed and hugged Shawn, he's always been there for me. "Thank you Shawn."

Is Lilly and Shawn going to get together and what is going to happen when they go to Lilly's old house? Will it bring back memories? And Shannon has something to say that might be over heard by Lilly and Shawn! Find out on the next chapter!

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