It is always in you

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You my dear are a witch. Wether you are a boy, girl, or non binary.

You may forget this at times, you may even doubt this. But you are a witch. I see the witch in you, it is bright and dying to be seen by the world. Let the witch in you out, let them shine. Let them be apart of this mundane world!

"Ah how can I be a witch I don't have any powers."

My dear you are the power. Your energy, your belief, your element is the power. If you put your mind to something it will surely come true but it will take time. It will not happen over night or in a week. It might takes months but if you keep at it, it will work.

Never lose faith in yourself for I will never lose faith in you. I believe in all you can do. I can see all the great things you will do. You might think them small but I see them as great big beautiful thing.

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