Crystals healing/meaning

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stone of strength and courage; it tones and strengthens the mind & body, grounding and stabilising emotions and physical energy. Its healing/cleaning qualities destroy negative energy, soothes and calms the mind, body and spirit.

Healing: Tones and strengthens the body, heals emotional tension related diseases, stimulates the digestive system and heals skin disorders

Chakras: Third Eye & Crown

Stone of spirituality and contentment, it grants stability, strength, and inner peace. Also provides clarity and enhances conscious perception and understanding.

Healing: Assists in calming the mind, reduces insomnia and allows restful sleep, reduces stress, eases headaches, helps with hormone production, strengthens the immune system, and cleansing organs.

Chakras: Third Eye & Crown

combines the qualities of Amethyst and Citrine creating a stone of optimism. Its high energy balances out stress, tension and emotional blockages to help harmonise and heal the body. Ametrine also connects the physical realm with the higher consciousness, and it protects during astral travel and brings greater focus to meditation.

Healing: A powerful cleanser, helps with depression, fatigue, headaches and stress related illnesses.

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Third Eye & Crown

stone of Awareness. Helps with clear, compassionate and truthful communication. Also help connect contact with the angelic realm while helping you maintain contact with everyday reality.

Healing: Supports bone density, helping with arthritis, and fractures.

Chakras: Throat

creates a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms. helps you recognize/act upon the truth in all situations. Used to open the third eye and to bring light and energy into the heart.

Healing: Helps release suppressed emotions, allows for deep relaxation, helps overcome anxiety, worry and fear.

Chakras:Heart and Third Eye

Aragonite Sputnick
Enhances patience, acceptance and the ability to take on more responsibility. Aragonite is an earth healer and grounding stone attuned to Gaia. It clear blockages, deepening your connection to the earth.

Healing:Warms the extremities and aids with nerve and muscle spasms and twitches, it also helps to heal the bones and discs.

Chakras: Base & Earth Chakraa

purifies the body and enhances clarity of mind with its gentle and compassionate energy. It helps bring closure to unresolved situations. Especially good for sensitive people promoting self courage, elevating fears and phobias. Excellent stone for meditation, calming and balancing the physical, emotional and mental aspects.

Healing: Calms the nerves and reduces fluid retention, is good for sore throats.

Chakras: All

Blue Lace Agate
opens and expands the consciousness, stimulating intuitive and spiritual insight, encouraging creativity and confident expression. It aids communication, promotes harmony with others, calms the mind, sooths the emotions and reduces stress. Gives people patience, peace, wisdom, kindness and honesty. It enhances a positive attitude, aligns ones centre and encourages listening and understanding.

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