Chapter 4 .

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"Wake up, son."

For a brief, horrid moment, I thought this was the time when I first woke up on Mars after my 79 years of sleep. The waves of panic tingled through my limbs and I didn't want to open my eyes to see my old room.

"Wake up, sir," Warpaint said.

Warpaint wasn't there when I first woke up. And I hadn't really been asleep. I was a clone. That brought me back to reality and my heartbeat calmed, but also left me hollow. My eyes fluttered open.

"What time is it?" I muttered. It could be hard to tell the time on the ship. It wasn't like I could just look out the window to see the sun. The ship did dim it's light during the night hours of Gathering time, but you could fix your own room lights to go completely out or stay lit all the time. I had turned mine off.

"About 2 a.m. The miasmids are making their move," my dad said. He stood by my bed. Warpaint stood behind him.

I sat up straight and threw the covers off. "They are attacking? In the open? How is the government responding."

"No," my dad said. "You misunderstand. They are moving against your friends."

I swung my legs out over the side of the bed and stood. "I've got to help them."

My dad nodded. "That's why I woke you. Owen and his parents are the most vulnerable. We'll go to them first and then down to deck 7 to help El and the others. I already called and warned them."

"What about Lieutenant Tanpo?"

"I called her too. I don't know if she can get out of her quarters before they come for her. We will see to her too, but first, Owen. My information came in just now."

I put on my shoes, but didn't bother to change out of my pajamas. I led the way out of my room.

"Who gave you the information?" I asked.

"Your mom."

I stopped. My dad continued on passed me. I scrambled after him.

"They've found a way to keep the computer from eavesdropping on them. I'm not sure how," my dad continued as he walked into the corridor. "But if they communicate through the miasmids and not directly with each other, that might be how."

We turned into the corridor that led to Owen's quarters. Six security officers in uniforms were at the door. The door slid open to reveal Owen's father.

"Officers," Mr. Morgan said, "it's late. How can we help you?"

"Close your door, Miles," my dad called from down the corridor.

Mr. Morgan stepped back further into the room. The door began to slide shut. Two security officers scowled at my dad and angled themselves towards us. The other four rushed into Owen's quarters. The door slid back open. They were programmed not to shut on anyone for safety reasons.

I heard Mrs. Morgan say, "What is your business here?" just as we reached the two officers who blocked us from entering.

"Stand aside," my dad said in that voice that demanded obedience.

The two officers looked at each other unsure. "He outranks us," one of the officers said just as someone inside said, "Your son is under arrest."

"I am?" Owen's voice said from inside.

A few heads poked out from the nearby quarters.

"Stay inside," both my dad and one of the officers said.

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