Chapter 7 .

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"You broadcasted that?" Captain Axa sat in the captain's chair on the bridge. My dad and I - and Warpaint - stood next to her. El stood nearby, but did not interfere with the conversation. The others were opening the light in the rest of the bridge crew - including the two officers that had stood guard outside before Captain Axa's scream had brought them inside. "I don't think that was wise," she said.

"It might not have been," my dad said, "but the Miasmids are making their move faster than those who know about them can stop them. The people have a right to be warned."

"It might initiate a panic among the people," Captain Axa said. "They might start killing people without the Miasmids because they think they are infected."

"I will do more broadcasts," my dad said, "to explain how to identify them, what they are, about the light, etc."

"The Gathering Council might cut off all communications with the G.E.F.," Captain Axa said.

"I can bypass that," my dad said easily.

"I need to know everything," Captain Axa said, "about the light, how you all came to have it - ." She paused and looked at my dad. "You don't have it. Why don't you have it?"

Other eyes in the room turned to look at us with her words.

"He doesn't need it," I said. I hadn't shared with my friends that my dad didn't want the light and why he didn't want it. It seemed too personal and I wasn't sure the others would understand. "He's been able to protect himself all these years without it."

"But still," Captain Axa said.

"I don't need it," my dad repeated my words. The other eyes turned away from us to go back to releasing the light in the others and explaining to each of them individually about the light.

"So what's the next step?" Captain Axa asked. "I think the G.E.F.'s task just changed from exploration. Are you the only ones in the Gathering with the light? I haven't heard of it before you and your friends started giving them trouble," she said directly to me.

"We are the only ones in the Gathering," I said. "Esther brought it to us after the Corruption killed everyone on the Lion of Judah Research Station. They found an ancient alien who had the light."

"That seems familiar," Captain Axa said, "but I can't quite grasp it. I've been trying to recollect the Miasmids plans, but it's a haze I can't get through."

"There is another Awakened One," I said. "Esther thinks she found his coordinates. He can help us. We will get rid of the Corruption onboard the Gathering Exploration Vessels. We will open the light in everyone on the ships and then find the Awakened One. That's the first step."

The captain nodded. "Right now, you and your friends are the only experts on the light. I know Shel took the test and graduated early. I think you should all take the test and graduate early. I think your time will be better spent as experts in the light and advisors in this fight against the Miasmids."

I looked over at Esther. Owen was next to her. They smiled at each other. The people in front of them experimented with their newly acquired light.

"Esther just started going back to school," I said quietly. "She likes it and still has a year of school to go." I sighed. My dad and the captain waited. "I'll ask the others," I said, "and leave the choice up to them. I'll take the test though to graduate early."

The captain barely smiled and nodded.

"Do you know where those with the Corruption might be hiding out now?" I asked. "I doubt after the broadcast they will wait quietly in their quarters for us to come."

The War Revealed - 3rd Novel in the Shadow SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now