Chapter 17 .

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I came awake in one quick moment with only one thought on my mind - I had to save them. My temples pounded painfully when I sat up, but I didn't care. They were dying.

My dad's large hand gently guided my shoulder back down to my bed. "Rest," he said.

"No. They are dying. I have to save them."

I sat up again and pushed him roughly out of the way as I stood. Dizziness washed over me and my legs gave out, but Warpaint was there to hold me up.

"Sir, you need to be careful. Rest some more." He tried to take me back to the bed, but I tore away from his grasp and stepped away from the two of them. I blinked several times until I no longer saw double of everything.

"They are dying," I repeated. It had been horrible. The Corruption had cut into them, swam in their veins, ripped their hearts, collapsed their lungs, tore at their brains. I couldn't heal them quickly enough. By the time I repaired the heart, the brain was already gone. I wasn't capable enough. I wasn't enough.

I couldn't stop the next thought that came to me - Original Vai would have been enough.

"It's too late," my dad said. "It's over."

My knees shook as they threatened to give out on me again. I leaned up against the far wall instead. "What happened after I passed out?"

"Your friends and the rest of the ship's crew took care of the Corruption," my dad said.

"Your young friend, Shel, was finally able to use his power without touch," Warpaint said. "He killed the final Corruption."

"And then he passed out too," my dad said. "I'm glad the light exists and we can use it as a weapon against the miasmids, but I think you and your friends are pushing yourselves too far. You are not the only ones with the light anymore."

"But we have become a symbol," I said quietly. "And I'm still the only one who can heal people from the Corruption's influences. Unless," sudden hope rose within me and made me feel lighter. I was no longer dizzy, no longer shakey in the knees, "someone else can heal now too. Were the Starwatchers light opened? Was there anyone else who can do what I can?" Please.

"The lights in the Starwatchers were open," my dad said, "and there were some who could heal and some who could destroy, but none that can do both and none that can heal the Corruption's damage."

My hope sunk. "It's still early," I said with what little hope I had left, "maybe eventually they will learn they can."

My dad nodded. "Maybe," he said, but I could tell he didn't mean it.

"Then are there Starwatchers I need to heal of the Corruption? The president and council members?"

"Yes," my dad said. "Warpaint, take him to the docking bay."

"You're not coming with us?" I asked.

"I'm needed in a meeting with Captain Axa and the rest of the captains," he said. "It has technically already started, but I couldn't leave you while you were still like that. Son," he said quieter, "please be more aware of yourself. It frightens me that you will go too far with the light and die from overuse or not be able to come back from it."

I nodded, but didn't mean it. I couldn't not heal. It wasn't that I chose to ignore my dad's words, but something inside me just could not ignore the need to heal.

My dad sighed as if he knew what I was thinking, but he nodded and stepped out.

Warpaint and I followed him, but we separated at the elevators. Warpaint took me down to the docking bay of the Shadow. The Awakened One sat inside, but near the bay. I was surprised to see my friends and several of the Shadow's security officers waiting inside the docking bay as well. Behind them in restraints were the president of Minidtin and the council members. I went to them.

The War Revealed - 3rd Novel in the Shadow SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now