Chapter 27 .

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I stayed in the shuttle bay with Minmin, Esther and Shel. Owen went to find his mom and dad to say quick greetings before we arrived at our destination - wherever that was. I thought about going to find my dad and to have a few quick words with my computer mom in the privacy of my room, but I didn't want to leave the new 2 Awakened Ones alone. There was still a possibility they would ignore our words and try to eat the 3 Brist that didn't have the light.

"Vai," came my father's voice behind me as I sat in the shuttle bay next to Minmin. I immediately stood and turned to face him. He wasn't alone. Two of the scientists under him - one a Bundu-Jo and one a human - stood on either side of him. At the doors to the shuttle bay stood Dr. Rags. He looked at me, then noticed my father and hid behind one of the shuttles. I wasn't sure if he was hiding from me or my dad, but I decided not to focus on him.

"Dad," I said.

He nodded to the 2 scientist beside him before he pulled me away from them and my friends. We stood between 2 shuttles which provided us with a little bit of privacy. Warpaint followed us, but stayed a few steps away.

"I just want to be sure you know I'm proud of you and I love you," my dad said. "Truly, I am incredibly proud of the young man you have turned out to be."

I couldn't quite explain the sudden trepidation that sneaked in with the warmth of his words. Suddenly he seemed tired. Old. Not just old - ancient and not in the good way. Almost weak. My green light started to drift towards him. I wanted to know that he was all right - that he didn't suddenly have any physical ailments.

"Vai," my dad said again and it broke my concentration. The light fell back all around me.


"I meant it when I said I don't want you to heal me."

Now I really didn't feel good about this conversation.

"Dad," I said quietly. "It wasn't that long ago I consciously accepted you as my dad. I don't want to lose you yet. Especially not after the way I treated you when I first woke up on Mars."

My dad smiled slowly. "I've told you before - you are Vai. I have been with you all along. You are strong and independent and you will be fine without me when the time comes."

"But I don't want to be without you."

"Vai, it's not like I'm dying this instant. I'm just telling you if I am dying - don't heal me. I've lived much longer than I should have. I was selfish. I wanted to see you grown. I wanted my projects and experiments finished. All of these things have come to pass. My scientist know how to continue my work without me now and you are a strong man. In all ways. I believe you are the real Vai, but if by chance your mother and part of you have passed on beyond and are waiting for me, let me join them. I will wait for you until you join me there."

"I don't know that I am capable of stopping myself from healing you."

He placed a large hand on my shoulder. "You must. For me."

My light started to stretch out to touch him, but I called it back. I didn't want to know if there was something wrong with him. I didn't think I'd stop myself from healing him if there was.

"Stay safe during the fighting," my dad said as he embraced me. I returned his hug. "Remember to heal our people. Don't try to heal the Brist or anyone else of the miasmids. That can come after the fighting."

"Where are we going? Did we find out where the enemy ships are?"

"You will find out soon," my dad said. We pulled away from the embrace.

The War Revealed - 3rd Novel in the Shadow SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now