Chapter 16 .

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My homeworld. I hadn't been here much. Only sometimes when my parents were on leave did we come here. We used to come to visit my grandparents on both sides, but my mom's parents had died when I was small and my father's parents died a few years ago.

I stepped out of the Shadow with my friends. The Awakened One was with us. His shadow lumbered over all of us. The sun was shining overhead, but it was dulled slightly like it did before the rain season started. The air was cool and still.

G.E.F. ships were all around us, either already landed or just landing. The Shadow was docked in the closest spot to the open field that had been designated for today's events. My fellow Starwatchers filled the field in furry colors of reds, creams, whites, browns, blacks and merle.

As there were on the last several colonies, security checkpoints were setup all around and the incoming Starwatchers had to pass through a large Aether field and be checked for bombs and weapons. Most colonies were not setup with Aether field capabilities and those that were, they were limited to the docks. The Starwatcher homeworld had more options, but it was still quickest and easiest to setup the Aether field near the docks since they already had the equipment at the docking bays. The Aether fields were only setup at the security checkpoints, but since no one could get in except through the checkpoints, it was fine.

There was a large platform set up in the grassy field. We were being ushered onto it. Several Starwatchers waited for us on the platform including the President and - . I stopped moving. My mind couldn't process what my eyes were showing me. Shel put his hand on my back and guided me forward. My feet moved with Shel's guidance. It certainly wasn't at my brain's command as my brain had shut down. Only Shel seemed to notice. My other friends continued on.

Not even Shel could compel me forward when he reached us. Bars. The love of my life. I had thought when he first started sending me messages that my infatuation with him would wane a little when I saw that he wasn't perfect. The opposite happened. The more he shared with me and became a real person instead of an idol, the warmth in my heart for him grew. The messages for his part were completely friendly and innocent and I had matched my messages to be the same, but that hadn't stopped my heart's growth of affection.

And now he stood in front of me. In all his handsome magnificence. He walked right passed my friends with his sky blue eyes solely fixed on me. He extended a hand out to me.

"Minmin, it is a great pleasure to finally meet you. You've made our people incredibly proud."

I blinked at him. I heard his voice in person. He was truly in front of me. My heart beat too fast in my chest while my head went completely blank. My hands and feet tingled. It was suddenly extremely hot for this time of year on Minidtin. Now the rest of my friends noticed. I swallowed. I should say something. Anything.

Silence as Bars stood in front of me with his hand stretched out in my direction. The enthusiasm on his face changed slowly to confusion and he looked up at Shel. He didn't retract his hand.

Shel nudged me. My hand shot out and took Bars's. Bars smiled at me and my insides burst hotly as a sun just formed inside my heart.

"I'm glad to meet you too," I managed to say.

I was in a daze as we continued walking to the President and the others on the Starwatcher council. I tried not to stare too obviously at Bars as the President addressed the crowd. It was difficult to concentrate on the President's words. Something about being proud of us maybe. He said something about the miasmids, but who cared when Bars was next to me?

The War Revealed - 3rd Novel in the Shadow SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now