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A few hours later, our train had finally arrived on the outskirts of Pennsylvania. Having eaten and taken many, many more meds, I was feeling better.

"I think I got this." Daniel said.

"You've been working on it for hours." Zev groaned. "You better."

Daniel worked a few wires, then tapped a makeshift button. "There." He said. He tapped in a few times, a series of short clicks which I assumed were morse code.

"What did you say?"


"How original." He said dryly.

"Now we just...wait."

"How long?"

"If someone decodes it... they'll send for Anderson. Assuming he's on duty, I'd say it would take them about two hours to get a message back. You know, if other legal authorities don't get involved."

"What if Anderson thinks it's Gregori playing him?" I asked.

"Well... we just have to pray he doesn't."

When the train stopped, Zev and Daniel slowly helped me up. "I'm not letting you a walk a step that you don't have to."

"Great. How about we just take a taxi straight to Anderson's office then?"

"That's...actually not a bad idea. It's not like taxi's have cameras."

"Yeah and New York doesn't happen to be swarming with Gregori's guys." Zev rolled his eyes.

A man saw us walking away from the train and came over. He was tall, with eyes reddened by either alcohol or drugs, and hair that hadn't been cut in months. "You're not authorized to be here."

"Sorry, man, we were just fooling around." Daniel said.

The man's eyes fell to my shirt. "What in actual hell....?"

"Period blood." I pursed my lips. "I'm really sorry. I just tend to bleed a lot... and I kind of forgot to bring a pad...."

"Whatever just...don't let me catch you kids here ever again."

Daniel nodded. "Sorry sir."

By the time we were out of earshot, Daniel whistled. "There's no way all that blood could be from a single period. That guy was high. He didn't even notice how pale you look—"

"Just be glad we got out of there." Zev said.

"Well, guys, we have two hours. I propose we find more food..."

"How much money you got in that bag, Daniel?" Zev asked.

"A lot. Which is why our first priority should be buying some clothes for her."

Zev and I pretty much stayed out of sight until Daniel went to a gas station and got some new clothes. Zev got a normal plaid shirt, and well....

"You got me a hot pink Bratz shirt?"

"That's the only one they had." He shrugged.

Slowly, I took the old one off and put it on. My entire torso was wrapped in bandages.

"I didn't think he cut me that bad."

"He didn't. You just... bleed a lot." Zev smiled innocently when I glared at him.

"Guys, food." Zev announced. "I vote for McDonalds."

"I like that idea." I nearly smiled.

"Woah, calm down, I don't think your body can handle solid food just yet." Daniel said.

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