An unusual day in an usual city

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!Warning This book contains swearing. Please don't forget that!

3rd POV

You sat down in your living room, whipped out the TV remote and switched the TV on. There was the news channel, and there was another battle between the villain and the hero on live. Both were a part of 1/4 of the population, which possessed usually 2-4 superpowers per person, unlike you. You were born like the rest, powerless...

The hero is called Youta, he is very favoured by female fans. He looks like a model - blond gelled back hair and warm blue eyes. He was on many magazines and on TV, however to you he looked like a snob. When complimented, he always puffs out his chest, straightens his back and gives a shit-eating grin. When the person who compliments him is cute, he winks.

Then the villain, his nickname is Silhouette. He tends to jump out of nowhere, only a silhouette sometimes shows up seconds before he strikes. He has a fluffy black hair and signature golden eyes. He always causes jams in traffic, the city makes new laws, and there are extra security checks. He is always trying to win against the hero, and his goal is to defeat him and to get the city under control. For power, of course.

Anyway, these two were in the now empty city square,  the villain cheesily explaining his plan and the hero... well, played hero! He shouted something about how he is going to stop the villain from taking over the city. Since this was a common occurence, you just switched channels and settled on a child cartoon, TapeGeorge RoundHat while chewing on something random you found in the back of your fridge. 

...Some lazy afternoon time later...

After checking the clock, you figured it is 18:38. Since your snacks supply is starting to run dry, you grab your wallet and head out into the evening city.

Your POV

After a few minutes I arrive at the local supermarket, where thare are just a few people, and search for something to munch on. I grab a few snacks, even my favourite ones which were at least once finally on sale and grabbed a [Edible fruit/vegetable]. When mom asks if I eat properly next time she calls, I can tell her I do and not lie for once. After grabbing some more groceries I get to the front and get greeted by a lady in a supermarket uniform, her hair ginger and her eyes a warm green. "Welcome!" she greets me and starts scanning my items.

After paying up I walk out of the supermarket and walk towards home in a lazy pace.

As I walk the street I notice a pair of footsteps have appeared and are after me. I slowly inhale and silently exhale, calming myself and take a turn which I don't need and listen. The footsteps follow and quicken. At this point, my heart is on panic mode, I whip around and face the stalker.

There stands a bald man, probably in his fifties, has a small beard and a tattoo of a naked woman is on his left forearm. He smiles creepily as he pulls out a switchblade knife out of his pocket. "Alright kid, give me everything you got." he grumbles.

At this point my eyes dart around, and I realize that I can run, however I need to be quick... It would be best to confuse the man by hitting his head with something solid, like a glass bottle.

"Alright, I don't want any trouble." I say as I rummage in my bag and step closer to the man. When my fingers recognize the sirup bottle, I whip my right leg into the man's privates, making him clutch his injury while lowering himself. I take this as an oppoturnity and strike his head with the sirup bottle. "Son of a bitch!" He shouts as I run for my dear life. I then run towards my apartment.


I feel a fist connect with my back as I fall over. "You little...". I recongnize the man's voice, then a quick kick is delivered to my back. I yelp and try to pull myself away from the man by crawling, but then he stomps down on my hand. I feel my eyes prickling, as the pain shoots like electricity right around my body. He then kicks me in the back of my head, making my vision blurry and my head feels like glass shattered inside my skull.

"My my, I don't think it's very polite to do that, Mr. Mugger."

A voice rings out from behind me, some distance away. I assume the robber has turned to see the newcomer. "This does not concern you, kiddo." the man says in an unamused tone. I hear the boy/guy? walk closer, ignoring the man's comment. The man is now angry. "I said, this does not concern yo-" The man is cut off and his sentence is replaced by his loud scream.

"Do you like your knife so much, Mr. Mugger? So much, that you rely on it for your life?" 

The sentence sends shivers down my spine, the icy feeling equal to standing naked in a cold evening rain naked. It is obvious that the stranger stabbed the man, but what bothers me the most...

He was standing way further away, just as the man was saying his second warning, but now he is so close in a matter of... no, not seconds. He must have a superpower.

I am scared. Am I next? Will he kill me? I started shaking at the dark thoughts filling my head. The man has stopped screaming, he is just coughing violently now. I carefully pull my right hand underneath me and push myself up. It hurts, the world is spinning around me in a violent dance. I manage to sit, my vision still like covered in fog.

The man stopped coughing, and I heard a thud behind me. My body instantly tensed up, my instinct making me pull up my legs to my body, my arms wrap around them, then bury my face in my legs. A light chuckle sounded out, making it 100x worse. Footsteps got closer, and the person walked to in front of me. I then heard a shuffle.

"Look at me."

I obeyed, lifting my head, immediately I saw two golden eyes staring back into mine. The black hair on his head fluttered playfully, as he smiled at me. Now, if I was frozen and felt cold before, now I am the level of frozen in an iceberg in antarctic frozen. Before me was Silhouette, kneeling down on my level, smiling at me. He had a dark hoodie, his right sleeve stained in blood, and he reeks of metal. He leans in, studying my face. His expression is of amusement, the little smile changed into a smile of a child who just got a new toy.

He stared at me,  then his eyes widened. "Oh! I almost forgot." he says and runs off a bit behind me then comes back with my bag and sets it in front of me, then looks at me expectantly. I take the bag and get up, but the world around me violently turns. As I flail, trying to regain balance, the villain grabs my upper arms, steadying me. I look at him, seeing his amused look. "Drunk?" he asks.

"N-No." I stutter. When I respond, the villain looks at me with a certain surprise. "So you do speak!" He states proudly. "But..." he looks at me with a questioning look "Why are you like this then?" "T-The man k-kicked me in the b-back of my head.".

"In that case" he said as he lead me towards the park "I will set you down on a bench and call ambulance." "N-No! I-I don't need it!" I protested. He still dragged me to the park and sat me down on the nearest bench. He then pulled out an old-looking phone and dialed a number. In a moment, he spoke. "Is this the hospital? Great! You see, this guy has hit the back of his head and now he is all dizzy and probably can't see well, can you come pick him up? He is at the Paper St. park, sitting on a bench. He has a [F/C] (Note: F/C = Favourite Color) hoodie and looks like he drunk some alcohol. No, no he is sober, but disoriented. Okay, bye." He then put the phone in his pocket. "They will come for you.". 

"W-Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"Because I have a good feeling about you."

He then left, disappearing into the evening city... And the calm silence was replaced by ambulance sirens.

Note: I am not puting this book on hold.

1450~ words

Gentleman Shadow / Obsessed!Villain!Male x Male!ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum