♡Chapter 1♡

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Seoyeon's POV

I was staring at my mother's face. She was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. I removed some of her hair out of her face.

My mom has been diagnosed with cancer. We have been at the hospital for three weeks and all I did for those three weeks was watch my mom.

I didn't have the appetite to eat and I didn't want to leave my mom unattended.

You might be asking where my dad is?

Well, he passed away when I was just a little kid. He passed away also because of cancer. My mom didn't mention much about him and I still don't know why.

A knock was heard and I turned around to look at who was at the door.

"Hey Seoyeon. I brought you food." Sooyun said setting the bag of food on the table.

"Hi. You didn't have to get me food. I could've just ate the food they served here." I said.

"Well, I thought you were tired of eating hospital food. So, I decided to bring you some of your favorites. Besides, you haven't been eating lately. The boys and I are really worried." Sooyun said giving me a worried look.

"I'm fine Sooyun, but thanks for the food. By the way, how are the boys? I haven't seen them for three weeks." I ask curious.

"They're doing fine. Although sometimes, they keep annoying me. Always asking me when you're coming home and things like that." Sooyun said.

"Awe. I miss those boys. They should come visit."

"I told them to come visit, but they said they didn't want to bother you." Sooyun said.

"I won't be bothered. Those boys are the reasons why I smile all the time. I'm gonna need that right now." I said laughing.

"Yeah. Here eat some of the food I bought." Sooyun handed me the bag. I looked at what was inside.

A box of rice and bulgogi was inside. I grabbed it and ate it.

"Oh ma god! I forgot how good bulgogi was because of all the hospital food I ate." I said digging my face in some more.

Sooyun just laughed at me.


After I finished eating, Sooyun decided to stay with me at the hospital.

I looked at my mom and sighed. She hasn't woken up all morning.

Sooyun looked at me, than back at my mom.

"Hey, Mrs.Kim hasn't woken up all day today. Is she alright?" Sooyun ask me.

"Of course she is! She told me she'll never leave me. Maybe she's just super tired and doesn't want to wake up. Don't worry." I said. To be honest, I was really worried.

I looked at my mom worriedly . The monitor was still beeping, so I knew my mom was still alive.

But, just to make sure, I put one of my fingers to her nose to see if she was stilling breathing.

My whole body froze and I was standing like a statue. I couldn't feel her breath hit my finger.

I quickly check her pulse on her neck, but...nothing. I started freaking out and Sooyun notice.

"Ya~ Seoyeon, what's wrong?" Sooyun ask me.

"M-my mom, she's not b-breathing anymore." I said stuttering.

"What?!" Sooyun felt my mom's pulse and there was nothing.

"Press the emergency red button! Hurry!" I did as Sooyun said and pressed the button.

A few seconds later, a bunch of nurses and doctors came barging into the room.

"Sorry ladies, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." one of the doctors said.

"No! I can't leave without knowing if my mom is okay or not!" I said. The doctor didn't care about what I said and pushed us out of the room.

I looked through the door window and saw the doctors giving my mom those electric shocks.

I hope my mom was okay, but I knew deep down that she wasn't. A few minutes later, the same doctor came out of the room.

"Alright, now you're the daughter of Mrs.Kim right?" I quickly nodded my head.

The doctor added, "I'm sorry to say this, but we couldn't save your mom." tears started to pour down my cheeks.

"No! This isn't true! My mom is alive! The monitor was still beeping! This is not true!" I started yelling and crying.

My mom can't leave me. My dad leaving was enough and now my mom? What am I gonna do? Who am I gonna live with?

Sooyun hugged me tightly and cried with me.

"Don't cry Seoyeon. I'm still here for you." Sooyun said. I saw the doctors scrolling my mom out of the room.

"Mom." I said watching them take her away. I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down. I put my head against my knees and cried.

Why'd you have to go mom? What am I going to do?

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