♡Chapter 3♡

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Seoyeon's POV

*The next morning*

I woke up from a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. I walked downstairs to see who was cooking. I saw the back of a girl. I knew it wasn't Sooyun.

"Um, hello. Who are you?" I ask walking into the kitchen. The girl turned around and looked at me.

"Hi. My name is Minji. I'm a friend of Jaehyun." Minji told me.

"Oh. Have you always stayed here?" I asked confused.

"No. I came here yesterday. I had some problems with my boyfriend and decided to stay here for the night." Minji said.

"Oh. Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Seoyeon. Also one of Jaehyun's good friend." I said smiling at her.

"Ah, I've heard so much about you. Jaehyun literally talks about you all the time." I blushed at the thought of Jaehyun talking about me.

"He talks about me? I hope it's good things." I said. Minji laughed.

"Don't worry. It's all good things." Minji said. I then heard someone coming down the stairs. Jaehyun came into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"Morning ladies! Is breakfast ready yet?" Jaehyun ask.

"Yes. I'm just waiting for everyone to wake up now." Minji said smiling at him. I then thought back to the conversation the boys were having yesterday. I remember Mark saying something about Jaehyun talking to a girl.

Her name was Minji right? Is she the one they were talking about?

"I'll go wake everyone up." I said going up the stairs. I walked into Sooyun's room and saw her sleeping peacefully on her bed. I slowly got on top of her bed and got ready to jump.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled. Sooyun shot her eyes open.

"Ya~ really?! What are you doing?!" Sooyun ask angrily.

"Wake up. Breakfast is ready. We're waiting for everyone to wake up so we can eat breakfast." I said. Sooyun groaned and covered her face with her blanket.

"You better wake up or you won't get any breakfast to eat." I said before leaving her room. I walked into Mark and Johnny's room. They both had their arms and legs on each other. I chuckled when I saw them.

"Silly boys." I whispered. I walked to Mark's side and shook him lightly.

"Wakey wakey Mark. Rise and shine." I said gently into his ear. Mark moved a bit, but still haven't woken up yet. I went to Johnny's side.

"Wakey wakey Johnny. Rise and shine." I also said gently into his ear. Johnny didn't move at all. I saw a pillow laying on the ground and picked it up. I got on top of their bed and started hitting both of them with the pillow.

"Wake.Up.Breakfast.Is.Ready." I said.

"Aish~ ya! Stop!" Johnny said covering his face with his hands. I stopped and stared at their faces.

"Seoyeon-ah, why did you wake us up so early?" Mark whined.

"It's not early. It's almost 12 in the afternoon." I lied. Mark quickly sat up on the bed and looked at the time. It was only 9 in the morning. Mark laid back down on his bed.

"Why did you lie? I'm so tired." Mark said covering his face with his blanket. I removed the blanket that was covering his face.

"Get up. We're about to eat breakfast and y'all are taking forever." I said pulling both Mark and Johnny's hand.

"Stop pulling my hand. I feel like my arm is going to come off." Johnny said.

"Then get up. We'll be waiting for you guys down in the dining room." I said getting off their bed and leaving. I walked downstairs and saw Jaehyun, Minji, and Sooyun sitting around the table.

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