Incorrect Quotes ~ 3

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Goldy: *turns on the t.v.*

Ryan: What are you watching?

Goldy: Playing the 'Lego Ninjago Movie' game!

Ryan: Does it have updog in it?

Goldy: ..what?

Ryan: Are you playing updog?

Goldy: .. No..?


Goldy: What's updog?

Ryan: *laughing hysterically*

Goldy: *starts laughing, realizing what she said*

Goldy: I have never seen you laugh that hard!

Ryan: NevEr! NEvEr iN mY lIfE haVE I goTtEn tHat tO worK!

~~ •∆• ~~

Angel: *playing a video game about chickens*

Derp: lOokZ aT alL tHosEz ChiCkeNsz!

~~ •∆• ~~

Unicorn: *crying*

Tina: Are you okay?

Casper: I'm not okay.

Tina: Your never okay.


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