IV- partners

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Wednesday had rolled around and (Y/n) had just finished her modern dance class. One thing that confused her was that she'd taken four different dance classes and most of the students she'd seen in at least two of them, apart from Lawrence. He seemed to only be in her ballet class which was odd as the only other dance style offered which she wasn't taking was jazz. Lawrence didn't strike (Y/n) as the type to do jazz.

The (e/c) eyed woman was excited to learn of her part in the upcoming showcase. She tapped onto her 80s playlist and played Irene Cara's Fame to get herself in the mood.

(play video from 0:51)

Remember my name, fame...

She had always resonated with the song. It was a call to be famous which was (Y/n)'s dream. To achieve a new height of dance stardom.

I'm gonna live forever...

Getting a good place in this showcase was just the beginning. She could show Miss White and Warren Verily what she was made of and then go down in the school's history as an excellent student who made it big. Just like Carlotta Verily, formerly Carlotta Harrison.

Baby, remember my name...

Carlotta Harrison was a prodigy who graduated and became a world class ballerina, it was only after achieving fame that she met her old classmate Warren Verily. They went on to marry and had two sons, Carlisle Verily who was studying at the royal ballet school in London and a younger son who (Y/n) had worked out to be Lawrence.

Remember, remember, remember, remember...

Carlotta died in a tragic car accident when (Y/n) was nine. She'd always idolised Carlotta and cried for hours on end when she heard the news of her death. For her fifth birthday Tommy had taken (Y/n) to see Swan Lake with Carlotta performing as Odette, it was one of her happiness memories. She was filled with utter awe when she saw Carlotta drift across the stage.

Remember, remember, remember, remember...

(Y/n) walked through the doors of studio seven, being careful to remove her earbuds before being apprehended by Lawrence. She spotted him stretching in the mirror and they made eye contact through their reflections. (Y/n) gave Lawrence a small wave, he scowled in response. 'I'm not gonna get anywhere with that guy.' She thought sadly. Her melancholy ended abruptly when Danny approached her.

"Hey, you're (Y/n), right?" He asked. Danny was a brunette and had blue eyes. He had about an inch on Lawrence and many inches on (Y/n).

"The one and only." She laughed, confused as to why this talented, hot guy wanted anything to do with her.

"I'm Danny. I just wanted to say, I saw you dancing on Monday and I think you've got the solo." He said with a genuine smile. Lawrence overheard part of the conversation, 'How idiotic,' he thought. The mere prospect of someone else being awarded the solo that was rightfully his was bizarre in his mind, especially if it were given to (Y/n).

"I know." She said, not really thinking. "I mean, I know your name's Danny- I-I don't know about the solo-" She stuttered after realising her error. "And I'm not a weirdo, I only know your name because you were- you were wearing a... what's it called?"

"A name tag?" Danny chuckled. (Y/n) felt as if she may melt from embarrassment, her faced flared red as she nodded frantically.

Lawrence smirked upon hearing their tumultuous exchange. He was glad (Y/n) knew she wasn't getting his solo, but then again, it would be so satisfying to see the disappointment in her eyes. Miss White clapped her hands, alerting the class of her presence. The young dancers scurried towards their teacher, anxious to see what was written on her clipboard. "Hello, all. I won't keep you waiting long and I'll cut straight to the chase. For this year's the freshman showcase the solo will be performed by Danny Carter." (Y/n) smiled in surprise, she had expected it to go to Lawrence but was glad it was going to the far kinder Danny. She gave him a thumbs up and he had a wide grin across his face.

Lawrence couldn't believe it. This thing was getting the solo, that solo was his, Danny couldn't just take it from him. He gritted has teeth, attempting to hold back the stream of cruel words he wished to say to Miss White and Danny. "Congratulations to him, you all have a lot you could learn from Mister Carter." Miss White continued. "Next, the duo will be performed by Lawrence Verily and (Y/n) (L/n)." That sent him over the edge.

"With all due respect, Miss White, I think there's been some sort of mistake." Lawrence hissed, his tone being far more aggressive than his words. Everyone in the room was shocked at his outburst.

"I can assure you, young man. I don't make mistakes. Be thankful you were given second." Miss White went to announce the other students' parts but Lawrence didn't listen, he was too filled with rage. He had to share the stage with... (Y/n) (L/n).

"Okay, this studio will be used for the group number. The soloist will rehearse in studio 8, the duo in studio 9, and so on. In these ballet sessions you'll go straight to your assigned studio, you'll choreograph amongst yourselves and choose your own music. The showcase is in a month, if your performance isn't good enough- you'll be removed from the school." Miss White shot her eyes over to Lawrence. "No matter what your last name is, same rules apply." She clapped her hands again, signalling that the students could break out of their huddle.

(Y/n) went up to Danny. "Congrats on the solo! You really deserve it." She beamed.

"Thanks, I really thought you had that one in the bag. Good luck working with Lawrence." He lowered his voice for the last sentence. Despite Lawrence's nature, (Y/n) was looking forward to working with him. Maybe she could make a breakthrough.

"(Y/n), stop slacking, let's go to the studio. Time is precious and I won't have you wasting it on conversation with that undeserving bastard." Or maybe not.

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