XLIX- old buddies

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It was morning again, the last twenty four hours had been stressful to say the least. But it seemed that everything could be forgotten now, at least in the eyes of the men living in the house. For (Y/n) however, escape seemed even more important. She was afraid she'd find herself on the receiving end of Danny's insanity.

After she was given her breakfast and pill, her door was wordlessly locked. She gave the handle a rattle but didn't deem it worthwhile to spend all day trying to break out. If anything she should treasure any time she had alone.

"I'll see you tonight, Cass." Ollie gave Cass a kiss on the cheek, preparing to go to the Verily mansion.

"Okay, have fun. Tell Danny and Rio that I say hi." She smiled at him.

"Will do."

Ollie walked out of the dorm. He knew (Y/n) hadn't run away, he discovered this by doing some digging around her room. She'd left her passport and ID (both real and fake ones) in the dorm, it seemed unlikely that she'd go to the trouble of getting a new identity. Something must have happened to her. So far, the only thing he could think of was investigating his friends. Though he hated to do it, they just reacted to the whole situation in such an unfamiliar manner. He hoped to god that he didn't find anything, he wasn't even sure what their motive would be to abduct or kill (Y/n)- whatever had happened to her- but he was hoping to find out.

"Ok guys, Ollie is coming over to hang out today. (Y/n)'s door is locked so she won't be an issue. Around lunchtime, Lawrence will excuse himself and bring (Y/n) some food and Ollie should be gone before dinner." Danny instructed the others. "The most important thing is to act natural."

"You're one to talk." Rio commented.

"Very funny, I don't do well under pressure. Which is why we'll try and keep the conversation off of the topic of (Y/n)."

"I don't see why he even needs to come over." Lawrence moped.

"He asked and I panicked- I'm sorry, alright?"

Before the exchange could continue, the doorbell rang. Danny rushed to get it.

"Ollie! Hi, man, how've you been?" He greeted, masking his distress with a wide grin.

"Same old, same old. Cass says hi by the way." Ollie invited himself in, looking around as he walked past Danny. "Where's everyone else?"

"We were all hanging out in living room. Come join us!" Danny dragged Ollie along to the others. "Say hi to Ollie, guys!"

Lawrence rolled his eyes at Danny's terrible acting and over enthusiasm. "Hi."

"Hi, Ollie." Rio nodded.

"Hey, don't think we've met." Carlisle said with a smile.

"No, and I'd love to get to know you but I need to use the bathroom. Where is it?" Ollie asked, this was his opportunity to break away from the group and do some searching.

"Um, just along the hall." Danny answered.

"Could I use one of your upstairs bathrooms? I've been having some... issues lately and I'll be on there for a while, I don't want to disturb you guys."

The men grimaced as far too much information was offered. "Sure... when you go up the first flight of stairs, make a right and it's right there." Danny explained.

"Maybe you should show him the way, Danny?" Rio suggested. "That way he won't get lost and find himself in the wrong room." He enunciated the last two words so even Danny could understand what he meant.

dancing through the fire ((yandere x reader))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora