LVII- second attempt

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Ollie and (Y/n)'s time together went dreadfully quickly, before they knew it Rio was back from his classes and the rest followed not long after.

As they spoke about the ballet at dinner, (Y/n) for once was actually interested in what they had to say.

Ollie was nervous that one of them would be able to pick up on the fact that she smoked. He had overheard Carlisle talking about how mad it made him a few times and didn't want to be seen as an enabler. There was no way they could know, (Y/n) washed her mouth for about forty minutes (swallowing an unhealthy amount of mouthwash in the process) and Ollie made sure to put all the evidence in a trash can in his room.

Although (Y/n) may have seemed contented as she spoke to them about the ballet, she was far from it. They had ripped dance from her, sure, there was a studio but it wasn't the same. It could never compare to being on stage. Not only had they taken her life, her friends and her family from her- but they'd taken dance.

"Who wants dessert?" Danny asked happily after everyone had finished their main meal.

"I think I'll pass. I'm gonna go to my room for a bit.... alone." (Y/n) left the table and trudged up to her room.

'I've said this before and I'll say it again: I NEED to get out of here. Not want. NEED.' She paced her room. The CD player Lawrence had got her caught her eye.

It was the only thing in that house that represented her. She pressed play:

(play video from 0:00)

Sometimes I feel I've got to-

(Y/n) was dead set on escape. She had tried once and failed but now it was time for round two.

Run away, I've got to-

'That sounds about right.' She thought as the song played quietly in her room.

Get away from the pain you drive into the heart of me

Her heart sped up. Was escape even possible at this point? If she got caught she knew that the consequences wouldn't be good... but if she got out?

The love we share...

Long lost fantasies of her reuniting with Ethan, her father and Cass urged her to just make a move and get the hell out of there.

Seems to go nowhere...

She thought of the men just downstairs, she couldn't have any pity or mercy- she was done with being so kind and forgiving to them.

And I've lost my light...

She shouted at herself inwardly for acting so docile and accommodating this whole time when she should've been fighting back. Sure, she tried to fight back with her escape attempt but it didn't really pan out.

For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night...

"She spends so much time up in her room, do you think she's doing okay?" Danny bounced his leg and glanced at the door (Y/n) had walked through.

"Give her space." Rio said bluntly. "She won't be acting like this for long."

"What do you mean by that exactly?" Ollie inquired, concerned for what Rio was implying.

Once I ran to you...

"I mean that she's going to get used to this eventually and then she won't be... hiding all the time." Rio responded.

"And how long is that gonna take?" Carlisle asked somewhat aggressively. "I'm starting to get impatient."

Now I'll run from you...

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