VII- friends? maybe?

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It was Saturday morning and Lawrence stared at his phone. He only had three contacts in it- his father, his brother and (Y/n). He read over the message she'd sent and saw the playlist he'd been neglecting. He had listened to Africa and didn't think he could handle another one. 'I need to pick a song eventually... besides, she's my friend... I think she is at least. His eyes cast towards the straw from last night. The guilt he felt was overwhelming, he tried to make himself throw it away but couldn't force himself to.

He played the next song in the playlist:

(play video from 0:00)

Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?

He was still yet to decipher why this irrelevant woman had caught his attention. Sure, he found her genuinely amusing, appreciated her kindness and thought she was stunning. But they were just dance partners.

Ooh, heaven is a place on Earth...

Lawrence stood up and stalked towards the object of his guilt. That damned straw. He took it in his hand.

They say in heaven, love comes first...

Some deep part of him suddenly took over his motor functions. This unconscious mind guided the straw to his lips.

We'll make heaven a place on Earth...

He went red. Embarrassed by his actions even though no one was there to witness them. He removed the straw and placed it in his glass of water. Maybe he could forget about it's original function and pretend it was his all along.

Ooh, heaven is a place on Earth.

Lawrence liked this song. 'Oh, (Y/n)... what are you doing to me?'

(Y/n) was still lying in bed. She was pleased with the progress she'd made yesterday, she had grown a lot closer to Lawrence. Though her only anxiety came that since he had told her about his past she should really tell him about hers, but she had no intention of doing this. (Y/n) didn't like talking about certain instances of her childhood, it was enough having heard it read aloud in court, she didn't want to relay it in her mind any more than necessary.

"Get up, sleepy head!" Cass called, bursting into (Y/n)'s room. "You came back so late last night, what did you and Lawrence get up to?" She asked suggestively.

"It wasn't like that. We just went to a diner and talked, it was really nice actually." (Y/n) responded, getting out of bed. "You've had a change of heart, I thought you were team Danny?"

"So there are teams now?" Cass teased, retreating back to the doorway so as to allow (Y/n) privacy to change.

"You know what I mean." (Y/n) said with an eye roll.

"Girl, I'm team whoever is gonna treat you good."

"I don't think either of them like me in that way anyway and I only like Danny..." (Y/n) shivered thinking about dating Danny, it was a nice fantasy but one she knew would never happen. "And I only like him a tiny bit, but I don't want to be in a relationship." Cass gave (Y/n) a face that said 'sure you don't' before leaving her room. But (Y/n) was telling the truth, she didn't want to be in a relationship. She enjoyed flirting with Danny and did truly like him but she would just crumble at the sight of any intimacy. She'd been intimate before but really didn't want anything like that to happen between her and Danny as it had destroyed her relationship with her last and only boyfriend.

(Y/n) got dressed and ready for the day ahead and stepped out into the living room. "You ready?" Cass was standing by the door with a handbag in her hand.

"Ready? For what?" (Y/n) asked.

"We're going shopping!" Cass exclaimed, grabbing (Y/n)'s hand and pulling her out of the dorm.

"But- wait! I don't even having my purse!" (Y/n) tried to fight against Cass who was dragging her down the hall.

"I packed it in my handbag."

"But how-"

"You're not very observant, (Y/n)." Cass remarked, slowing down and loosening her grip on (Y/n). (Y/n) rubbed her sore hand.

The women got a bus into the centre of town and wandered around the mall. Cass spotted a store she wanted to go into and they rushed around, picking outfits for themselves and each other. Cass found a long midnight blue dress for her string showcase. (Y/n) got a black leotard that she could wear to rehearse with as Lawrence seemed to want (Y/n) to wear his late mother's tutu.

Lunchtime approached and the roommates went into a café. As they sat down, two messages came through to (Y/n)'s phone.

Danny: Yo! Are you in the mall right now? I just saw this crazy hot girl who looks like you go into my favourite café!!

She smiled at Danny's message. Honestly, he could tell her to fuck off and she'd still be swooning. Before replying to Danny's message she looked at the other message. To her surprise, it was from Lawrence:

Lawrence: Hello, (Y/n). Thank you for sending me this playlist. I'm working through it slowly but surely. I should have a song selected for our next Friday night rehearsal. I rather enjoyed going to the diner after our practice, perhaps we could make a habit of this? L.V.

(Y/n) went to reply to Danny first:

Y/n: I mean if the girl was 'crazy hot' it must have been me ;) I'm here with my roommate who ships us to high heaven so watch out lol

Danny: I got my boys with me rn do you mind if we eat with you? They're cool dw

Y/n: Sure thing!

"Danny's going to eat with us!" (Y/n) announced. Cassidy clapped her hands together. "And he's bringing some of his friends!" Cassidy's eyes lit up.

"Finally, some man candy for me!" She exclaimed.

A few minutes later Danny and two other boys entered the café. His eyes locked on (Y/n) and Cassidy's table. "Hey, (Y/n)." He greeted her, sitting himself down. He pointed at Cassidy. "You must be the infamous Cassidy."

"Cass." She corrected, making eyes at Danny's ginger friend.

"Right, this is Rio, he's making electronic music on computers and stuff-" Danny gestured to his left where a withdrawn dark haired man sat. "And this is Ollie, he's studying drama." To his left was a bubbly ginger. "We all share a dorm."

"Nice to meet you guys! Danny talks about you all the time, (Y/n)!" Ollie said a little loudly. Danny gave him a death stare and (Y/n) laughed.

"All. The. Damn. Time." Rio deadpanned, recalling all the times (Y/n) had been mentioned.

"Don't worry, I've heard all about you Danny from (Y/n)." Cass said, chuckling with Ollie. Danny and (Y/n) had both gone bright red, with Rio in the middle of this seeming to not really care.

Lawrence was staring at his phone, waiting for (Y/n) to respond to his message. 'Maybe she hasn't seen it yet.' He thought hopefully. He prayed that she would accept his offer to make their trips to the diner after late night rehearsals a tradition. He didn't know what he'd do if she didn't.

dancing through the fire ((yandere x reader))Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin