XI- mister beech

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The drive back to the dorm was near excruciating. (Y/n) rode the passenger seat again, she didn't dare make a noise, she was afraid if she opened her mouth she'd crumble in Danny's presence. He too was holding back tears.

Fortunately for him, he wasn't in the middle seat. Ollie and Cass were high as kites and were all of each other. Rio made no attempt at conversation, knowing the forlorn states of (Y/n) and Danny. As a result, the only noise in the car were the sloppy kisses and moans that came from Cass and Ollie's direction.

(Y/n) had only had one drink so she put herself in charge of getting Cass to bed. Ollie was a lightweight, like seriously, he could get drunk at the sound of a beer can opening. So getting him to bed was a two man job. Getting Ollie and Cass off of each other was the job for an entire army. There was screaming and crying and little communication between (Y/n), Danny and Rio. But after a good forty minutes, Cass passed out on the couch and (Y/n) could get as much sleep as possible.

(Y/n) was awoken by a text notification. She sleepily retrieved her phone from her bedside table.

Rio: Hey, Danny told me about what happened last night. You probably don't want to be alone right now and Danny is kind of out of the question. Ollie and Cass are gonna have killer hangovers so do you wanna grab lunch?

This was the first text that (Y/n) had received from Rio that wasn't on the group chat. She pondered his offer, it would be nice to talk someone and Rio seemed like the best option. Maybe they could get to know each other a bit better.

(Y/n): Thanks for the offer, man! I'd love to, when and where?

Rio: I'll come by your dorm at 12:30 and take you to this place I read about.

(Y/n): Cool stuff :)

(Y/n) checked the time to see how much she had to get ready. It was already ten. 'Wow... no more parties for me for a while'

She walked into the kitchen and saw Cass making some hangover cure. Cass, annoyed, hushed (Y/n) and grabbed her own head.

"I didn't say anyth-"

Cass hushed her even more loudly. "Stop screaming." She muttered.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at her friend's state. "I'm going out for lunch." She whispered, trying not to add onto Cass's ear splitting headache.

Cass nodded slowly. "I'm going to pray for my sins because I think this what hell is." The blonde said in all seriousness.

(Y/n) grinned, glad she didn't drink as much as she'd planned to. At that, she had some cereal and then went to get ready. She wasn't sure of how fancy the place Rio would be taking her would be so she settled on a floral sundress. (Y/n) went to the bathroom and retrieved her pill bottle, only four remained. She tutted herself for not bringing more with her, she couldn't get her pills without the required paperwork and she didn't have her prescription handy. 'I'll call dad and ask him to send me my prescription.' She took two of the remaining pills and shook the others around their bottle sorrowfully. She tucked the orange container behind her wash bag so they wouldn't be discovered by Cass. As she placed it at the back of the cupboard her hand grazed a familiar box.

(Y/n) had brought a pack of cigarettes with her just in case the stress became to much. Her dad would have her head if he knew of her occasional smoking. She rubbed her thumb over the label longingly. 'No, don't give in... these are for emergencies... Danny is not an emergency.' She returned the box to its hiding space and shut the cupboard with guilt. (Y/n) knew she had to kick her habit... that was how Alice got started, it begun with cigarettes and drinking and then... harder things were introduced.

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