XXII- two years

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(Y/n) was eating lunch with Cass in their dorm. It was the day of the showcase and the nerves were only just hitting her.

"Is your dad watching tonight?" Cass asked through mouthfuls.

"He wouldn't miss it for the world." (Y/n) smiled fondly at the thought of her father. "He's watched every single one of my performances without fail. He's my number one fan."

"That's so damn cute~" Cass gushed at the closeness of (Y/n) and her father. "Have you talked to Danny?"

(Y/n) didn't appreciate the subject change. "No... I want to get the showcase out of the way and then I'll hear him out. I don't want to think about him right now."

"But you don't want this weighing down on you while you're dancing. I just think-"

"Is Ollie getting you to say this?" (Y/n) placed her cutlery down on her empty plate.

"No! I- I don't want tension between the group anymore, both you and Danny are my friends." Cass reached her hand across the table to hold (Y/n)'s.

"Please, just give me tonight. I don't want to do this now. I promise I'll talk to him tomorrow." (Y/n) pleaded. The two girls stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Cass gave a firm nod. (Y/n) disconnected her hand and got up. "I think I'm gonna go out alone, just get an hour or two to myself before going down to the auditorium."

"Good luck," Cass smiled. "Look out for me in the crowd, I'll be getting the award for cheering the loudest."

"You'll have to prize that out of dad's cold dead hands, girl." (Y/n) chuckled.

(Y/n) walked through the town aimlessly. Everything with Danny was just coming at such an inconvenient time, right before the showcase. Across the street, a small bar came into view. 'One drink won't hurt,' She thought. 'Just take the edge off.'

She walked through the door of the bar. It was fairly empty, unsurprising considering it was just four in the afternoon. (Y/n) sat up at the counter, the bartender came over to her, she ordered a glass of whiskey on the rocks and presented a fake ID that she used to buy cigarettes.

Her drink came and she took a small sip from it. The showcase was ever approaching and (Y/n) just wanted to stop time and sort out this whole situation. Getting slightly tipsy was the next best thing.

Before she could even drink another drop a familiar voice interrupted her self pity.



(Y/n) was utterly speechless. Alice stood before her, smiling widely. She looked... older and somehow younger at the same time. She had cakey foundation covering her face with bright red lips and a dramatic smokey eye. Alice was wearing a very short and very tight black dress. (Y/n) was convinced she was hallucinating. 'Did I take too many pills this morning?? Are they mixing badly with the whiskey??? I only had one damned sip!!'

"Alice." That was the only thing (Y/n) could even allow out of her mouth. Here was a woman who she had always fantasised talking to, giving her a long long lecture on how she ruined her life. But now that Alice was standing in front of her... she was at a complete loss for words.

"Oh, baby, it's so good to see you." Alice dove towards (Y/n), arms outstretched but (Y/n) dodged her hug by standing up.

"W-what are you doing here?" (Y/n) was beyond perplexed, she couldn't even comprehend the situation before her. The last time she'd seen her mother she was being dragged out of her bedroom by a police officer.

dancing through the fire ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now