Chapter 1

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The sand feels soft under my feet and I can feel it all on my legs. The sun beating down on me is wonderful. Not blistering, not even close. Just perfect. The slight breeze that ruffles the leaves makes everything around me sound so peaceful. The chirp of birds is— wait, where am I?

The last thing I remember was walking home. I was at seventh street. I remember because I had looked up to make sure I was headed the right way. It was about 5:30 P.M. because I had just finished my shift. The sun was still in the sky and it was a beautiful night. The sky looked like a painting with swirls of pink, red, orange, yellow, and oh was it so gorgeous. I remember taking a picture of it.

But if I was just walking home and now I am laying on the sand what the heck happened. It doesn't add up. Not even close. That is like adding two plus two and getting 50,000. Nothing makes sense. Well I guess if I am to make sense of this I should look around.

When I get up I can see land for about a mile and then it turns. I turn around to see a bunch of trees. It seems more like tropical trees and plants than those of a forest. I can see gorgeous flowers that I just want to pick up and smell, but I am to worried to because what if they are poisonous? I can't risk getting poisoned.

I decide to walk along the water to see what is at the turn at the end of the water. As I walk along I see a few things wash up on shore. Quite a few empty plastic water bottles. I find one that has a little water in it, so I grab it just in case if I need it later.


When I get to the turn I walk for about two minutes but all I can see is more shoreline and more jungle. More flowers that may be as deadly as a knife to the neck and water that goes on for as far as the eye can see.

I am on an island. I am on an island. By myself. All by myself. You would think that if there were people here you would have heard them or seen them or maybe found a shelter, but nope, nothing, nada, not a single person here.

I don't know how I am going to survive out here. I have a limited knowledge of edible things. I only remember a few things from when I took a trip to an island and took a tour. Why can't this just be a vacation with my best friend? Or one with my family? Not abandoned on this island by myself with no clue of what actually happened.

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