Chapter 6

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As I put the last on branches and logs together I feel like falling to the ground. I am so tired and this is exhausting. Each branch feels heavier than the last, even if in reality they are lighter. I think how little of food I have had is really starting to get to me. My stomach is growling all the time, just begging for food.

I stand back for a minute to admire my hard work. The outside of the hideout is finally done. After all this work the exterior is complete. It is small but a good size for just me in the middle of a jungle. I don't need a mansion, although that luxury would be welcomed with open arms right now.

After I am done having my moment of admiration I head inside. I grab the backpack, bag full of water bottles and berries, the shirt, the sweatpants, and the other items in my last shelter and put them on the floor, which is dirt for now. Dirt will probably not be the best thing to sleep on though so I will have to find some leaves to make a makeshift bed.

I get out and find some big leaves that are probably two feet in length and about one foot in width. I grab lots of them and bring them back to the shelter. I probably grabbed about fifty of them.

Once I open the door I immediately get to work. I start covering the floor in these leaves. They are very soft and seem to make a good start for the floor. Once I have to put the leaves under where my stuff is I move all of it into a corner so then I have more room. I then stack leaves on one side to make what I now call a "bed."

After that I head back outside to look at the sun to try and figure out what time of day it is. The sun is going down but it is still quite high in the sky. Maybe 4:00? I grab my backpack put only a water bottle and a knife in it and head off.

When I approach the river I am met with the view of rush water and a fish jumping out of the water. Perfect. There is a source of fish here. It will take me a long time to actually get one though. I will either have to cut it with my knife and kill it that way or catch it with my hands.

Deciding to try to cut one with a knife I stick it into the water when I see one. I miss but I skimmed the edge of it. If I cut the first one how hard can it actually be?

Well four misses later and I think I found out how hard it can actually be. I stick the knife back into the bag and use my bare hands this time. I stick my finds in the water as slowly and as still as possible. I don't want the fish to swim away from me. I want to feel one and then squeeze it and pull it from the water.

Finally after about twenty minutes I feel one brush up against my hand and I quickly react. I grab hold of it's body and squeeze. I pull it up, out of the water and it tries to escape, flopping and squirming in my hands but it only makes me grip it harder. It finally gives out and I stuff it in my backpack. I stand up again and head back.

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