Chapter 15

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As I walk back to our camp I am overwhelmed with so many emotions. I feel angry, sad, frustrated, disappointed, and so many more emotions that I am not even going to list because I don't need to be listing emotions for hours. There is one main thought that keeps taking over my mind though. You're not going to make it out alive.

I didn't say a word on the way back. I was defeated. I am not going to live long enough to see everyone I love again. I am going to die on an island surrounded by almost no one. The only other person here is Atlas. I wonder what he is thinking right now. Surely he has the same thoughts as me.

I quickly turn to him only to see him already looking at me. I quickly avert my gaze and I pick up my pace. I don't want to begin to even talk to someone about this right now. The chance of us winning is 1%. That is it. Only 1% not 2 or 3 or 4, but 1.

Against 99 other teams. The note had said that. If you do the math there are 100 teams of 2 and only 1 teams lives. That means 198 people are going to lose their lives. I can't begin to phantom the about of guilt I would have for being the reason that 198 people died. But then it would still be the producers' faults.

Okay Adrienne, you are getting a little ahead of yourself.

Once we get back to the set up I walk in the "cabin" we will call it from now on and plop down on the makeshift bed. All of this is so overwhelming. Not only do I have to survive being on an island, I have to survive something set up to kill me. Such a fun tv show! Not.

Who would even be watching this? Is my family watching this? Is this going to be a new famous show? Will the producers get in trouble? I hope they do. This is terrible and messed up. I can't—what is?

I get cut off with a hand that circles around my waist and pulls me. Atlas.

He pulls me to his lap. Wow, I didn't realize until just now that his legs were so long and muscular. His arms wrap around me and wow are those muscular too.

He takes his hand and runs his fingers through my hair. To be honest, it is quite soothing. I relax at his touch and lean more against him. He feels me relax and uses the arm he had around my waist to pull me closer. He just simply rests his head on my shoulder. We both don't say anything because of our loss of words.  We both are probably going to die here.

I guess I am going to have to make it worth it.

I turn around to see him looking at me with something in his eyes. What is it? Mayb-

I get cut off from my thoughts and now his lips are on mine. Lust. That's what it was. His lips taste so good. I can't pick out the taste but ohhhh is it so good.

We continue to kiss for a long time, yet when we stop it feels way too short. Why does it feel too short?

Why did I do that?

Why do I feel tingles all over?

What is happening to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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