Chapter 13

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When we arrive I can already spot something that has washed up on shore. It is dark grey.

We walk up to it and I pick it up. It is a t-shirt that seems a bigger size. Probably a guy's shirt. It is completely blank. Just grey, nothing else. I hold it up and hand it to Atlas. He should probably be the one to use it. After all he only came with the clothes he was wearing a plastic bottle and some crackers.

He takes it and rings it out. He holds it up to himself. It looks like it might be tight on him though. He is very well built and is super muscular. You can see them through the shirt he is wearing now.

He puts it in the bag when it is not dripping in water. He turns to me and looks at me with question in his eyes. I turn to the right and we start to walk along the beach.

The sand is like soft silk on my feet and the sun is like a layer of warmth over me. Atlas next to me is like another shield if anything happens. What is he to me? Could we just be comforting each other because we feel lonely and need someone to talk to. Are we attracted to each other? What is it?

I look to the trees and see a pair of shoes. I cut in front of Atlas and he stops abruptly. He watches me run over to the shoes and follows me soon after.

The shoes are running shoes. They seem like women's running shoes. I pick them up and for some reason they are perfectly dry. I flip them over and look at the size of the shoes. They are 8s. My size! "My size." I say to Atlas. He nods and smiles at me.

Atlas is awfully quite and introverted. Although he did say something that seemed very much not like him earlier. He said "don't get up. I don't want to get up and I don't want you to get up." He basically asked me to lay back down with him.

I did because, wait why did I? I could have done something productive probably, but I decided to cuddle with Atlas. Am I starting to like Atlas? I mean he is nice, great-looking, strong, and, snap out of it Adrienne. You have better things to focus on right now.

I hand the shoes to Atlas and he puts them in the bag. "Why do you think there are shoes your size nicely placed on this island?" Atlas says.

He has a good point. We are by ourselves. I though. Maybe not. I don't know what I hope. If there are other people here they might try to kill us.

"I d-don't know." I say sounding worried.

"I am sure it was just a coincidence. Maybe there were people on this island before."

"Maybe." I say my voice sounding small and unsure.

Atlas takes his hand and places it on the small of my back. He faces me and our eyes lock.

"We will be okay. I am sure of it."

"Okay." I say and I look at him and try to put a convincing smile on my face but fail miserably. He rubs my back again and says "it is okay. Let's just stick together." I nod. I just nod. I don't want him to know I am still worried.

We start walking again and Atlas points to something. I look at where he is pointing and it is a backpack. I am getting suspicious because of all the things we are finding.

We pick up our pace a little bit and get there fairly quickly. It is a black backpack and it is pretty big. I pick it up and realize how heavy it is. I put it back down careful not to break anything in case if anything is easily broken.

I find the zipper and open it. The backpack is surprisingly dry. Why is the backpack dry and why is it by the water? It certainly would not float.

I push the thoughts aside and open it up. It is packed to the very top. I pull the first thing out and it is black leggings. I hold them up to myself. They look like they might be a little small. I am a size small and they look like the size extra small, but they will work. I put the leggings to the side on the sand. I can wash them later if I need to.

Atlas sits down next to me and grabs the next thing closest to the top. I can't believe my eyes. It is a box of ten power bars. I can see Atlas's eyes light up. He shakes the box like a kid would on Christmas to make sure there is something inside and low and behold we hear the things inside. I squeal. I literally squeal. I haven't been this excited so far on this island. Atlas looks at me with a genuine smile.

I grab the next thing eager to see what else is in it. It is a fire starter. It is way better than what we have now. Thank goodness we got one. We will need this. Starting a fire took a long time before. Maybe tonight we can eat one of the fish we caught.

Atlas reaches his hand and I hear a lot noise from it. It almost sounds like paper. When he pulls out I wind breaker I understand. He holds it up and inspects it. It is black and blue and looks high quality. It is also a bigger size. It would probably fit Atlas best but I could use it if I need to.

I then reach my hand in after he puts it to the side. I feel something metal and I pull it out. It is a small metal pot. This will be very useful. I can cook food in it and boil water to make sure it doesn't have harmful things in it. I haven't thought to much about the water killing me, but I am still alive so that is a good sign.

"We can cook one of the fish tonight." Atlas says sounding very satisfied.

I look at him and nod. Atlas sticks his hand in and pulls out a water canteen. It will keep the water cool and fresh. This way the water we bring around with us won't be so warm.

"That is everything."

I look back in the bag to check but I see a piece of paper left. I grab the piece of paper and pull it out. It is completely dry and folded, but besides that it is not damaged.

Atlas sit closer to me and I open it up. I freeze when I see how it starts and I feel Atlas freeze in shock as well. It starts...

Dear Adrienne and Atlas,

Island of UncertaintyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora